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Sweet Pea and Fangs had been texting Mariah to hang out these past few days. And like with Toni, she was ignoring them. She didn't want to go to the Southside on the off chance that the three would run into her if they hung out. Who was she kidding, if Sweet Pea and Fangs were anywhere, Toni would definitely be close by and Mariah still wasn't ready to face her yet.

After the secret Santa fiasco, Mariah had continued on with the school day as if nothing ever happened. Cheryl had called her conniving and said that she might have taken things a little too far. Mariah said nothing as she continued to class but she knew that Cheryl was right. She had definitely taken it too far.

"Seriously, Mar. What has gotten into you lately? I thought you were over the whole Archie and Veronica thing," she said. Mariah sighed, "Honestly, so did I. But when I picked Veronica's name, I just felt like I should do something to get back at her. Now I just feel bad."

"You shouldn't feel bad bad. Just a little bad. I mean, she kinda deserved it. But I think you should've just left it at the coal," Cheryl said. Mariah groaned and ran a hand through her hair. The two walked into their class and sat at desks. "Maybe I should apologize," Mariah said.

"Absolutely not. Seriously, Mariah do not apologize to that homewrecking bitch. I mean, what you did doesn't amount to what she did," Cheryl said. "I shouldn't have called her a whore though. This isn't me, Cher. Like yeah, I have a right to be upset but I think I took it too far. I mean, you said it yourself, I should've just left it at the coal," Mariah continued.

"So you'll apologize and then what, forgive her?" Cheryl asked. "I didn't say that. I'll just apologize, doesn't mean I have to forgive her," Mariah replied. The school bell rang and the last bit of students hurried into the class. The teacher entered the classroom, put his things down, and immediately began class.

Mariah did her best to pay attention but with each passing moment, the guilt only increased.


Mariah had waited until the end of the school day to go and find Veronica. She had contemplated on even apologizing to the girl before deciding that she should. She had to.

The raven haired girl was at her locker, putting her things away and ready to leave the school. Mariah approached her slowly, thinking about what she would say. "Hey," she muttered awkwardly. Veronica turned her head, eyes slightly widening when she saw the silver haired girl. "Oh, uh, hi," Veronica greeted, closing her locker.

"Look, I'm sorry about the whole coal thing. And the mug. Mostly the mug. I took things too far and I shouldn't have done it. I was being petty and wanted to hurt you like you did me but, I realize that stooping to that level isn't the right thing to do. And, it isn't me. So, I'm sorry," Mariah said, releasing a breath. "You don't have to be sorry, Mariah. I'm the one who's sorry. What I said about your dad wasn't cool. Besides, I think I deserved it," Veronica said and Mariah shook her head.

"Nobody really deserves that," she said. "And nobody deserves to be cheated on by their significant other and to have one of their best friends be the person that their significant other cheated on them with. I did a shitty, fucked up thing and I deserved he coal and the mug. Call me a whore all you want because I honestly feel like one," Veronica replied.

"I don't think you're a whore. Homewrecker for sure but, maybe not a whore. I shouldn't have slut shamed you, Veronica. That was fucked up," Mariah responded. "Not if it's true," Veronica said. "Even if it is, I still shouldn't have said it," Mariah said. The two looked at each other for a moment. "Well I accept your apology. And I hope that one day, you can accept mine. I'm so sorry for everything, Mar. You were my best friend and I never wanted to hurt you. I don't even know why I did what I did," Veronica said.

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