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Archie Andrews was an idiot.

He and the Bulldogs decided it would be a great idea to form a group, which he called the 'Red Circle'. Its intent was to provide protection for the citizens of Riverdale. However in Mariah's eyes, it was a stupid group that would put a target on the backs of everyone involved.

There was a new killer loose in Riverdale. They had shot Archie's dad, killed Ms. Grundy, and almost killed Midge and Moose. Mariah didn't want Archie or anyone else that wasn't the police to involve themselves in the situation. However Archie didn't care. He wanted to keep people safe. But there was nothing he could do against a psycho, who referred to them self as the Black Hood, with a gun who was intent on killing sinners (something the killer had shared in a letter sent to Alice Cooper that she published in her newspaper).

But the redheaded boy wouldn't listen to reason and decided to do something anyway. And that something was the stupid group that he had formed. Mariah didn't know what he was doing until she saw the video. As soon as she saw it she called her boyfriend, her annoyance for the situation growing. The blonde had no intent on supporting his group, which she had made clear to the boy, who for some reason, had been fairly distant. She tried not to think too much about it, figuring it had to do with his dad and Moose. But she would ask him about it later.

Mariah had been going about the school day as though she were on autopilot. Her body went through the motions of the school day but her mind wasn't in any of the actions she was performing.

"You look like a zombie," Cheryl noted as she approached the blonde at her locker. "A hot zombie?" Mariah said. Cheryl looked her up and down. "Do you want me to be honest?" She asked, her face holding mild disgust. "I have a feeling that your honesty will be really mean so no thanks," Mariah replied.

"Good, because I didn't wanna kick you even more while you're down," Cheryl said with a sigh. "Gee, you're so thoughtful," Mariah deadpanned. "Anyway, what have you been up to? Hopefully not staying in your room all day long," the redhead said. "That's exactly what I have been doing as a matter of fact. And I've been enjoying myself," Mariah responded.

A scowl came onto Cheryl's face. "We're going out this weekend and you're gonna have fun and enjoy yourself," she said. Mariah went to protest but Cheryl held up a hand. "No objections. You have no say in the matter." Mariah glared, "You suck."

"You suck harder," Cheryl retorted. "Was that a sexual innuendo?" Mariah asked. "Ew, no. Why do you always have to think so dirty?" Cheryl said. Mariah shrugged, closing her locker door. The two friends walked down the hallway and toward their next class. The blonde spotted Veronica walking as she walked past the brunette.

"Hey, Veronica," she called. Veronica looked up at her, sent her a smile that didn't seem genuine, and continued on her way. "Ouch, what was that about?" Cheryl said. "I don't know. She's been acting weird around me ever since her dad came back," Mariah replied. "Well, Veronica has always had issues," Cheryl commented.

"So, what's up with Archie and this whole army thing?" The redhead asked, changing the subject. Mariah shrugged, "I don't know. He hasn't talked to me too much about it. He actually hasn't been talking to me all that much in general." Cheryl's eyes narrowed, "Explain." Mariah sighed. "We got into an argument a few nights ago. It was, I don't know. He wanted to take things further and I wasn't ready and he tried to push it and then we got into an argument," she explained.

"Dump him," Cheryl said. "What? Why?" Mariah asked. "Because he's trying to pressure you into having sex and that's not okay," she answered. "Keep your voice down," Mariah hissed. "You do not need to be with someone who doesn't want to respect your wishes of not having sex," Cheryl said in a much quieter voice and Mariah sighed.

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