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Mariah had begrudgingly got Veronica a present or two. It wasn't something that the dark haired girl would like but, it was something that would cause a reaction that would make Mariah smile.

She carried the two gifts in her hands as she walked into the student lounge where Kevin had wanted them to exchange gifts. Kevin was already there, a Santa Claus hat on his head. Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Reggie were also there. Josie and Cheryl arriving after Mariah. Cheryl wasn't participating in the secret Santa gift exchange but Mariah had asked her to be there for it. She was sure it was something Cheryl wouldn't want to miss.

"Alright, let's get this started," Kevin said as they all got situated. And so the exchange began. Mariah watched as gifts began being given, her face blank. When it was her turn to receive a present, Kevin grew excited. "Well, I was your secret Santa and I think you're gonna like your present," he said, handing her an envelope.

Mariah took it and opened it up, pulling out what was inside. "A coupon for a reduced priced piercing?" She read aloud, looking over at him. "I figured since you're on this whole, 'finding yourself journey' you might want to add to your new appearance. And I remember you telling me that you wanted to get your cartilage pierced so, now you can," he explained.

Mariah smiled, "Thanks, Kev. I will definitely be putting this to use." Cheryl snatched the coupon out of her hand. "Not if I can help it," the redhead spoke with a glare and Mariah rolled her eyes, snatching the coupon back from her. "Alright Betty, you're next," Kevin said.

Betty picked up the gift from the table. "Well, I think I know who picked my name based on these wrapping skills," she began. She opened it up and smiled. "Archie," she said in remembrance, looking over at him in surprise after opening up the present. "My dad and I were cleaning out the garage and I found it," he explained and Betty chuckled before showing it to the others.

"Swiss Family Robinson?" Veronica read. "Yeah, it's this old read-a-long record we used to listen to when we were, like, five. Oh, my God. I love it, Arch. Thank you," the blonde explained and Archie smiled. "And last but not least, Veronica," Kevin announced. Veronica smiled and looked at the table where the two gifts were.

"Which one is it?" She questioned. "Both actually," Mariah spoke up. The group looked over at her. "I couldn't decide what I wanted to get so I got both," Mariah went on, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. Cheryl was already beginning to smirk, knowing that something was to come. She sat up in her seat.

"Oh, okay," Veronica said. She picked up the first box. "Whoa, this is a little heavy," she said. Mariah bit her lip to stop the smirk that was about to spread across her face. Veronica pulled off the lid of the box and pulled back the paper. Her smile quickly turned into a frown. She picked up one of the contents of the box. "Coal?" She questioned in disbelief.

"You've been a naughty girl this year so, Santa asked me to give that to you," Mariah replied. Cheryl burst out into laughter and Reggie chuckled. "Always a comedian, Mariah," Veronica said sarcastically. Kevin nudged her, "Seriously?"

"Oh relax, it was a joke. The other one is the real present. That's why there's two," the silver haired girl said. Veronica placed the box of coal back on the table and picked up the other box. This one was lighter than the first so if it were more coal, there was a significantly less amount. Veronica reluctantly lifted the lid and moved the paper away.

She smiled slightly, "It's a mug." She looked over at Mariah. "I love Christmas mugs," she spoke. Mariah smiled a fake smile, "I know." Veronica pulled the mug out of the box, a frown coming to her face once she read the words that were written on it. In a bright red permanent marker, Mariah had written the word 'WHORE' in all caps.

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