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She had regretted the night before the minute she woke up the next morning. The pounding of her head made her want to die. She vowed to never drink alcohol again. Well, at least not in such a large quantity.

Her mom had come into her room that morning with two painkillers and water. She knew a home remedy that would help her not feel like shit with the hangover that she knew she would have. It was already made and downstairs waiting for Mariah who had to go to school.

Yes, you heard that right.

Amara Coleman was most definitely going to make her daughter go to school that day. Mariah didn't even object, despite not wanting to go. She knew she would be in a lot of trouble and if this was the start of her punishment, she would take it. In all honesty, she didn't even care. The only thing that bothered her was the inevitability of seeing both Archie and Veronica.

Mariah sighed again as she drank the disgusting liquid that her mom swore would make the girl feel better. After giving the girl a scorning and the promise of a more in depth talk later on, Amara left for work. The honking of a horn made the blonde jump, a spike of pain shooting through her head.

She groaned slightly and took another sip from her bottle of the home remedy. She smoothed down her skirt and brushed off her plain white shirt before pulling on her jean jacket. She picked up the bottle and slid on a pair of sunglasses before starting for the door, grabbing her keys and backpack. After locking the door to her house, she bounded down the porch steps and walked towards Cheryl's red car.

The car's hood was pulled down as Mariah approached. Cheryl took in her appearance. "You know at this point, it's like you want me to make fun of your outfits," she said. Mariah winced slightly. "Maybe lower your voice," the blonde suggested, entering the car. Cheryl wrinkled her nose.

"Why? Are you hungover?" She asked. "Why would you assume that?" Mariah asked. "Well for starters, you kinda look like shit. You didn't really put much effort into your outfit, you seem to have a headache and you're wearing sunglasses," Cheryl deduced. "I might be a little hungover," Mariah admitted. "You're not one to drink alcohol. What happened?" The redhead said.

Mariah sighed heavily. "I should've called you last night. But I was so upset and I just wanted to drink alcohol because alcohol supposedly makes you feel better because it makes you forget. And for a while, I did forget." Mariah took a deep breath and Cheryl stared at her in confusion. "Archie cheated on me." Cheryl gasped. Mariah shook her head, "With Veronica." The redhead gasped even louder.

"You're lying," she said in shock. "Nope. I saw it with my own eyes. I don't even know how long it's been going on." Mariah shook her head and looked down. "Veronica's been acting so strange lately. I thought it was because of her dad. I guess I was wrong," Mariah said, realization beginning to dawn on her.

The blonde looked over at her friend who was typing furiously on her phone. Mariah's face scrunched up in confusion. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm trying to figure out how to get away with murdering two people," Cheryl replied. Mariah couldn't help but laugh, causing Cheryl to look over at her. "I'm not joking, Mariah. I warned Archie Andrews not to hurt you and he does just that. He's going to pay for it. With his life," Cheryl said.

"You are not murdering anybody. I won't let you. I kinda need you in my life and you going to prison wouldn't be good. Besides, you wouldn't look good in those prison jumpsuits," the blonde said. "For your information, I look good in anything," Cheryl retorted. Mariah gave her a disbelieving look. "Okay, maybe not a prison jumpsuit. Those things are hideous," she said and Mariah smiled slightly.

Cheryl then got serious, looking at her friend in concern. "You okay?" She asked. "I'm fine," Mariah said. She couldn't mask the crack in her voice and silently cursed herself. Cheryl opened up her arms, "Come here." Mariah scooted over in her seat, moving over to give Cheryl a hug. It was very uncomfortable, the two having to lean over the gearshift. Mariah had told herself that morning that she would not cry.

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