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When the two arrived at the Andrews home, Vegas, Archie's dog, came running over to the redhead. Archie greeted Vegas before pulling the dog toward the door. "Uh, what do you think you're doing?" Mariah questioned. "Going to walk Vegas," he said.

"Archibald, you're covered in blood. You need to shower. I'll walk Vegas," Mariah interjected. "Mar, when was the last time you walked a dog?" He asked in mild amusement. "Uh, does it matter? I know how to walk a dog," she said. He was thoughtful for a moment.

"We can walk Vegas together. How does that sound?" He compromised. "And then you'll shower?" She asked. He nodded, "And then I'll shower." Mariah nodded and smiled, before frowning. "But change your jacket first," she said. Archie nodded and walked upstairs to his room.

Mariah crouched down next to Vegas and ran her hands up and down the dog's back. "I wish I had a dog," she muttered. Archie bounded back down the stairs after a few minutes. "All right, you ready?" He asked. Mariah stood up straight and turned to him. "Yeah," she said.


"Before we got Vegas, my dad was like, 'He's gonna be your dog, little Archie, your responsibility. Are you ready to walk him, give him his food, fill his water bowl, and take care of him when he gets sick?' I wanted him so bad, I was like, 'Yes, dad, I'm ready. I'm so ready'," Archie was saying as he and Mariah walked Vegas.

"If I remember correctly, you were majorly struggling when you first got Vegas," Mariah noted. Archie chuckled lightly. "That is true. Things were a lot simpler then. And now, when I get home late from football practice, my dad's already walked him. On Saturday mornings, Dad takes him out so I can sleep in. Every time Vegas gets sick, Dad always goes with us to the vet. The truth is, no one loves Vegas more than my dad," Archie said.

The two stopped at the center of the bridge that they were walking on. Mariah leaned her arms against the railing and sighed sadly. Archie gently placed his hand against the small of her back. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You're asking me if I'm okay?" Mariah asked incredulously.

"You just seem to be a little off," he said. "Your dad was shot by some psycho. I just wish that this hadn't happened to him. He doesn't deserve this. You don't deserve it," Mariah answered. "Yeah, nobody does. But are you sure that's it?" Archie said. "Yes, I'm sure," she replied.

"Okay. Do you wanna head back now?" He said. Mariah nodded slowly. Archie gripped Vegas' leash tighter in his hand and nodded. The two walked back in the direction they had come from and to Archie's home.


Mariah was sat at Archie's kitchen table while the redhead was finally taking a shower. The girl was eating a sandwich that she had made for herself. Usually in stressful situations, the girl found herself eating. Mariah took another bite of her sandwich before deciding to go check on Archie.

She placed the sandwich back on the plate in front of her and pushed her chair back. She stood up and began walking up the stairs. She tripped over the top stair and stumbled forward, barely catching herself from falling. "I would trip," she muttered to herself.

Mariah ran her hands down her hair to smoothen it out before walking to the bathroom door. She timidly knocked on the door. "Hey Arch, are you okay?" She asked him. "I'm okay. I'm fine," his voice was slightly muffled by the door. She nodded to herself, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he called back. "Okay. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?" She questioned. "Why would I want a sandwich?" He asked back. "Well, I made myself a sandwich and I thought that you might want one. I didn't make it in case you didn't want it," she rambled. Mariah could hear Archie chuckle. "No thanks, I don't want a sandwich," he dismissed.

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