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When Mariah walked into her Biology class, she did not expect to see Veronica sitting in her seat. Mariah walked over to the girl. "So you can ignore me for days but have the audacity to sit in my seat?" She questioned, only mildly joking. Veronica jumped at the sound of her voice.

The brunette looked up at the blonde who had an eyebrow raised. "About that, look, I'm sorry. It's just, things with my dad have been rough and all over the place. I've just been, trying to work things out," she explained. "You could've just told me that," Mariah pointed out. "You're right. But if I told you, you would've gotten involved and I don't want you in the mess that is my family," Veronica replied.

Mariah looked her over for a moment. "Is there a reason you're in my seat?" She asked. Veronica stood, "Just wanted to get your attention." She looked over at the door before looking back at the blonde. "And now that I have, I'm gonna move to my seat," she concluded. Mariah nodded slightly, "Are we good, Ronnie?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're good," Veronica replied, a little too quickly in Mariah's opinion. She eyed the girl suspiciously as she moved to her table. Mariah placed her backpack on the ground and sat down in her seat. Archie came and sat down next to her and she looked over at him. "Hey," she greeted. "Hi," he replied. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine. Why?" He replied. "Because, Archibald, you haven't been picking up the phone when I call and I've been worried," she said. He sighed softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I've just been figuring stuff out with the Red Circle, is all." Mariah almost rolled her eyes at the mention of his group.

"You're figuring things out with your crazy group; Veronica's figuring things out with her dad; Betty and Jughead are figuring out how to crack the Black Hood's code. I think maybe you guys need a break," Mariah said. "I'll take a break right after this guy is caught," Archie replied. "Who knows how long that's gonna take?" Mariah muttered before pulling out her supplies for the class.

"Hey, do want to hang out later? Maybe talk some more?" She asked him. "I'm, uh, busy later. Maybe tomorrow," Archie replied. "Right, of course," she muttered. "It's just, the Red-" She cut him off, "The Red Circle. Got it."

"I'm trying to do something about this, Mariah. Why can't you get that?" He asked. "I get it, Archie. I just don't think that you should be trying to do something at all. I already told you it's dangerous," Mariah said. "And I already told you that I don't care," Archie retorted and she scoffed. "You're ridiculous." The bell rang and Mariah turned her attention to the front.

Right now, she wished that she could trade seats with Veronica. Dr. Phylum began class. Mariah began writing notes into her open notebook. She would occasionally feel Archie's eyes on her from the left side but she made a point of avoiding his gaze.

The classroom door opened and principal Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller walked into the room. Mariah looked at the two men with curiosity. "Sorry to interrupt, Dr.
Phylum, but Sheriff Keller and I need to see Archie Andrews in the hallway," principal Weatherbee announced. Archie stood up and Veronica quickly stood as well.

"I'm sorry Principal Weatherbee but the T-shirts were my idea, not Archie's," Veronica said. Mariah looked over at her, confused. "This isn't about T-shirts, Miss Lodge, please sit down," Weatherbee replied. "It's okay, Ronnie. There's nothing to worry about," Archie assured the girl before looking at Mariah. "Don't worry," he whispered to her before walking to the door.

Mariah looked after the three, thoroughly confused about what was going on. "All right, class. Let's get back to work," Dr. Phylum said. Mariah pursed her lips before picking up her pen again and beginning to write her notes again.


Mariah rang the doorbell of the Andrews residence before crossing her arms over her chest and waiting. Archie had to leave school early because he had, allegedly, showed up in the Southside with a gun and was vandalizing a bodega. Mariah couldn't understand what was going on.

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