Chapter 30: Intoxicated

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Jae POV: 

I don't know why I agreed to come to this party with Jackson, I guess I was so upset with myself and Jungkook that I just needed to find a distraction. But is this really the best distraction? When Jackson said that this was going to be a party I thought it would at least be like the party he hosted last time, I wanted to get drunk and drown all my sorrows without being judged but it turns out this party is not a normal teenager party. It's some kinky ass party. All the girls are in their underwear and wearing bunny ears and tails carrying whips, the men are wearing face masks and silk gowns with matching shorts and smack the girls bare bums when they bring them a drink. Then there is me, in my ripped jeans and a crop top. 

"Jae babe the bar is over there just go and get yourself a drink" Jackson comes and shouts into my ear and points in front of me as the music is so loud. I follow his finger and see a dim lit area called 'the juice' with squirting emojis making me cringe. 

"Jackson this was not what I had in mind, can you please take me back home?" I ask but he is no longer there. I begin to look around but I can't seem to find him anywhere so now I'm stuck here until he leaves which he probably won't knowing how his hormones work. Wait, I could just call Bambam, yeah he'll be mad at me but its better than staying in this porn house. 

"Hey there honey" a tall girl wearing just underwear and bunny ears approaches me. She must be hella confident. 

"Hi" I awkwardly wave. 

"Can I have a hug?" 

"No I don't really think-" she pulls me into a hug anyways and begins to rock me side to side making me feel slightly uncomfortable. "Ok so you hugged me anyways" I nervously giggle as she releases me then walks away towards a table filled with men who begin to touch her boobs. I feel sick. I search in my right back pocket for my phone but its not there, I search in my left back pocket and its not there either. Did I leave it in Jackson's car? 

"Ay brown sugar come and put yourself in my tea!" I hear a man shout at me. I look at him and he has his legs wide open forcing me to dart into the opposite direction and now someone I have ended up in the bar which seems more relaxed and calm compared to the main room. 

"Here you are" the bartender gives me a drink in a penis shaped cup where you suck the tip in order to drink the drink. 

"I didn't order a drink" I tell him but he just shrugs his shoulders. 

"The party host told me to give you unlimited drinks" the bartender responds. I give him a confused look, why would the host give me free drinks? I don't even know who the host is. "Just drink it you seem like you need it" he pushes it towards me and he is right I do need it. My body aches and my brain is all over the place, I just need one day to be reckless but I won't drink too much because I don't want to wake up tomorrow butt naked in Jackson's bed. 

"I'll just have this one drink and that's it" I smile and beginning slowly sipping the tip of the penis cup. I must look weird. 

30 minutes later: 

"WOOOOOOOOO this is my fucking jam! Yass TLC tender loving chicken! HAHAHAHA I said chicken instead of care!" I shout as I throw my arms in the air and swish my hips side to side to the beat of the song by the bar. "I DON'T WANT NO SCRUBS A SCRUB IS A GUY THAT CAN'T GET NO LOVE FROM ME HANGING OUT THE PASSENGERS SIDE OF HIS BEST FRIEND'S RIDE TRYING TO HOLLA AT ME!"  

"Here's another one!" The bartender shouts at me getting my attention. I make my waY to him and begin sucking on that tip again, this drink is so damn good it taste like candy floss and stars. 

30 minutes later:  

"Noooooooooo why you playing Whitney, do you wanna make me cry?" I sob as I lay my head on the bar counter trying to keep the tears in my eyes. "DON'T MAKE ME CLOSE ONE MORE DOOR BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA HURT ANYMORE! TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS IF YOU DARE OR MUST I IMAGINE YOU THERE DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME I SAID KOOKIE DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME! I HAVE NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING if I don't have yoooooooo"  

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