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~ y o u r p o v ~

i frantically run in the dirty, enclosed sewers, feeling the presence of footsteps behind me, i make myself jolt faster at the thought of it. i currently am in murky water, that probably used to be toilet water. i can feel the dirt of the water hit against my skin. the water only making it past my ankles, still makes me run slower. the only source of light there is, is a rusty light fixture, that appears once every couple yards. the light is a dim orange, barely helps out but, it is there.

"you can run, but you can't hide. i know it was you who put me in prison y/n. i never did anything to you but you still put me through hell, i will hurt you bad," he states as you can hear the alcohol that is laced with his words. i know this is jason. i try to hold back my tears, but in the process my body starts to slow down. getting slower and slower, jason approaches faster and faster.

i try my best to run faster, but my body gave out. i feel the touch of jason against my skin, his rough, beefy hands touching my lean, soft, paper-like skin. i've always hated his touch against my body.

"i've got you now y/n, there is no where to escape too," he croaked with his strong alcoholic breath. i started to ball my eyes out, as loud as i can so i hope as to someone can hear me from the outside of these L.A. sewers. i squirm around trying to get out of his grip.

then suddenly i jolt up. opening my eyes realizing it was all just a dream. i try to calm myself down, telling myself it was just a dream jonah gets startled by my me jolting up and he slowly opens his eyes.

"hey, you okay?" he asks in a groggy voice, still really sexy and i will continue to say that for the rest of my life, i will never get over it.

he puts his warm hand on my back and starts to rub it, not realizing that I was hyperventilating before he rested his hand on my back.

"i had a nightmare, i think i'm fine now." i told him with reassurance, i don't know what time it was, but i just didn't want him to worry about me. he has worried about me way to much in the past two days, and i don't want him to worry about me so much.

"you wanna go out and get some in-and-out? or maybe just drive around to calm you down?" he questioned. you would think that would be a hassle for him, but he seems like the type to go get some food at three in the morning, considering he went out around eleven o'clock to get something from the hardware section of wal-mart. the reason why he met me.

"umm if you would like," i responded to his question. assuming he wouldn't want to drive to in and out and just fall back asleep, he has spent so much money on me already, its ridiculous.

"okay, lets go then,' he gives me a tired but adorable smile, while his eyes are still closed. i'm currently still in some space-grey sweatpants, a shirt that zach let me borrow, and my hair up in a messy bun. perfect for a drive at god-knows-what-time-it-is.

jonah has no shirt on and some dark grey sweats, he gets out of bed, getting out of the covers and touching the presumably cold floor, he walks over to his wardrobe, and grabs a random shirt and pulls it over his abs. man his v-line is nice, so maybe i glanced at it, so what?

"you sure? its two forty-one in the morning." i reminded him as i checked the time. knowing he will probably reply with something along the lines of, 'yes! i love in-and-out runs at three in the morning'

i stand up, my socks i slept in touching the ground, i still feel the coolness of the floor through my socks. going up to a pair of gucci slides, i slip them on, surprisingly they fit me nicely.

"positive. by the way, those are zach's slides," he chuckles at me. i guess i'm wearing zach's wardrobe tonight. his stuff fits me better than anyone else's since we are around the same height and i'm smaller than the other guys.

"well let's head out!" he exclaims, not to loud though, considering the whole house is asleep, excluding the both of us. he heads out of the room first, basically tiptoeing. before i leave the room, i spot corbyn and zach cuddled up against each other. its honestly so cute.

i close the door and head down the hallway, the loud clashes of the slides hitting the floor, were getting muted by the long hallway rug. i pick up my pace and head down the carpeted stairs, i reach the living room and spot jonah drinking a glass of water. he places it down on the kitchen island and smiles at me.

"lets head on out, i don't know about you, but i'm starving." he grins at me. his hair all messy, just like when i met him, it's adorable. his grin makes him ten times hotter. it's a goofy type of grin.

i respond with, "don't worry, i'm also starving." he chuckles at me, then he walks around the kitchen island, picks up his keys that are conveniently placed on the edge of the kitchen island, nearest to the front door. he opens the door and i follow him, closing the door behind me.

unlocking the car doors with the remote we climb into the car. as my legs hit the leather seats i feel the cold leather of the seat through my sweatpants. i let my legs seep into the seat, making the coldness turn warmer.

jonah starts up the engine of the car. he pulls out of the driveway then drives into the dark, quiet-filled streets of los angles.

i take advantage of the bluetooth in the car to play my playlist. i made one yesterday adding sabrina carpenter, why don't we, jonah's ep, zach's singles, and a few other songs from other artists. we both jam out, mostly why don't we coming on, but that all suddenly stops when we reached in-and-out.

jonah turns the car off, causing the music to turn off with it. we step out of the car, into the empty parking lot of the in-and-out. breathing in the fresh, chilly air as we walk up to the fast food chain's door, instantly getting hit with the scent of fries.

we walk up to the counter, nobody there at first but after a minute, we decided what we want to order, a young lady comes up to the counter.

"hello, welcome to in and out. how may i take your order?" she spoke with a monotone voice, obviously exhausted and doesn't want to be bothered by us.

we ordered what we wanted and the lady gave us two medium cups after jonah paid, i really need to get a job. as we wait for the order, we grab our cups and get a drink from the soda fountain. i chose some sprite, while jonah chose some dr.pepper.

"order number 2 is ready," she yelled out to us. using the same monotone voice as last time she spoke to us.

jonah and i walk up to the counter, jonah grabbing the tray from the granite counter, we walk towards a booth and seat ourselves in the booth.

"so, i know it hasn't been the smoothest couple of days, but i wanted to get to know you better, since we haven't had time for that." jonah announced to me, looking directly into my eyes, as i look into his beautiful green ones. he smiles at me, making my heart beat one hundred miles per hour.

~ t h i r d p e r s o n p o v ~

y/n agreeing to what jonah requested. they chatted the remainder of the night away, nothing stopped them from laughing, singing, crying tears of joy, and smiling. they were having a wonderful time enjoying each others company. slowly they were falling for each other hard, but they didn't even realize.

soon enough it reached 5 a.m. the sun was slowly creeping into the morning sky. they didn't even bother to acknowledge the time, until the drive-thru started becoming busier. jonah realizing before y/n, he mentally laughed at himself, seeing as they stayed at the in-and-out for a while.

then jonah stated that they should start heading home, even thought y/n was reluctant too, she nodded in agreement, mainly because she was exhausted. they walked out of the in-and-out they were in for two hours and into jonah's car. the ride home, y/n fell asleep on the passenger seat window. her head in her head while she dozed off.

jonah spotted her sleeping at a stop light. he acknowledged the way her baby hairs fell onto her face from her messy bun. the way she holds her head in her hand, leaning against the car window. the way she looks cute even in zach's shirt and her sweatpants. he realized at this time he was falling for her, he was head over heels for this girl and words couldn't describe how much he wanted to call her, "mine".

word count: 1654

AHHH NEW CHAPTER FORMAT!! how do you guys like it? should i keep it or nah? i personally love it! but i would love your guy's thoughts!

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