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y/n sat in bed using jonah's laptop, which he was perfectly fine with. she was currently looking for a job; she wanted to make money because she was tired of letting jonah pay for her, when she wanted to be independent.

after countless hours of sitting, trying to find a job, she finally found a cute bakery to work at. she would be preparing the sweets to be sent off to whoever ordered from them. working behind the counter and fulfilling whatever needed to be done. the wage was $25.00 per hour, which was really good considering the minimum wage in l.a was $15.00.

she was interviewed over the phone, they automatically accepted the girl, she would start tomorrow, and boy was she excited. she finally could pay for her things, not depending on someone; who wasn't even her boyfriend, to pay for her needs.

once she got accepted she ran downstairs to tell her best friends about the job she got, but she couldn't find them anywhere. which was weird because they didn't even say they were going anywhere.

she looked and looked, when she finally found them out in the backyard. they were talking about something, planning a first date for her and jonah. but she didn't know that, she was completely oblivious in fact. when daniel told her about jonah being in love with her in the van, he wasn't just saying that to make her happy, he really was in love with her.

nobody still knows what happened at the football field last night, in fact they thought they were still at the mall shopping during that hour, they knew nothing about any romantic moment, or any kiss and neither jonah or y/n were planning to tell them about it.

she ran outside, yelling the boys' names, "CORBYN, ZACH, JONAH, DANIEL, JACK, GUYS! GUESS WHAT!" she ran towards them with a huge smile on her face, a smile bigger than they have ever seen on her face.

"YEAH Y/N?" they simultaneously shouted at her. once she reached them she paused, taking a few deep breaths, she wasn't the most fit.

"I- I- GOT A- J- JOB!" she stated, panting with her hands on her knees. they all were confused, a reaction she wasn't expecting from them. she thought maybe they didn't understand her because she kept taking a breath in between her words.

"I GOT A JOB!" she shouted, in a more understandable way. they still sat there, with their eyebrows furrowed and heads tilted, which made y/n even more confused. it went silent for a couple seconds, tension rising in the air.

"why?" jonah spoke up, killing the tense silence. now y/n's eyebrows furrowed. she was confused on why he asked such a stupid question. she was happy, why couldn't they be happy with her decision to get a job?

"why not? i need to start making money, i can't just depend on you guys for money. plus i need to pay you guys back for the things you bought me." you stated, sitting down on the green grass, trying to not meet your eyes with jonah's gaze.

"but, we can provide the stuff for you, we don't care about wasting money, we all love you y/n you don't need a job." zach chimed in, shaking his head, trying to meet your gaze.

"but, i don't want you guys to do it anymore, it's your money not mine." you replied, walking away from the boys who were still confused on why you got a job, but they just didn't understand.

instead of walking into the house, she walked around the house and into the neighborhood, she needed to clear her head and walking seemed to help with that. with a quick pace, she would turn corners until she found her way to a little park where children were playing. the boys tried to follow her, but they eventually lost her. panicking, they didn't know what to do.

she sat on a bench in the park. appreciating the nature around her. children's laughter fills the air as birds tweet in response, a slight breeze going through the air that makes everyones hair slightly blow into one direction. the fresh air fills her lungs as the sun shines through tree leaves that glow onto her skin. she closes her eyes and sits on the bench, soon enough she falls asleep without realizing she is still on a park bench.

~ t w o h o u r s l a t e r ~

the sun was setting, the children were gone, the birds flew away, the breeze turned into chilly air, fresh air was still there but it was more cold than before, the tree leaves shake and rattle, almost like if a storm was approaching. y/n hated storms, thunder and lightning was something she was never fond of.

she woke up being shaken by a group of six boys who have worried expressions written all over their face and also a camera lens practically being shoved into her face. six? well, you see the boys, not knowing what to do called up their good friend, logan paul. they thought he would know what to do, even though he doesn't know what he is doing half of the time.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" daniel cheered, which caused the rest of the group to cheer 'yay' or 'finally'. y/n remained confused, not until earlier's events rushed into her head. she realized why she was sitting on the bench and why the group of boys were in front of her. although she didn't recognize one of them, she still stayed quiet. she was still confused why he was holding a camera, especially up to her face. her gaze remained at the purple and orange sky, that's all she really wanted to look at during the moment.

"y/n? are you okay?" jack fretted, he was just as worried as the rest of the boys. she simply shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to talk to any of them. "y/n, talk to us," jack dragged out her name, whining for her to talk.

she stayed silent, her gaze still set on the color-filled sky, jonah took a seat next to her, his body facing towards her, she wanted to move to see his face, but at the same time she hated looking at people she was mad at, it was never a thing she liked to do.

jonah grabbed her hand and sandwiched it with both of his hands, she felt the warmth of is hand touching her cold hands. she felt safe, once again.

"look, i'm sorry about earlier, i know you have wanted a job to support yourself ever since you started to live with us and i should've been more supportive, i am so sorry.¨ he stated in an apologetic tone. he really felt sorry, but he was afraid of her meeting someone new and leaving him for someone else, he was selfish like that. y/n would never leave him for someone else, he was her savior after all.

"i accept your apology, jonah." she stated, making jonah show a small grin. she sent a smile his way, embracing him in a hug he gladly accepted. after jonah apologized, zach sat down next to jonah.

"i'm also sorry for saying those things, i didn't mean it, i guess i was just gonna miss you when you work. you are my best friend!" zach leaned forward, to look at y/n. she smiled and nodded, "i accept your aplology too, zach." she stood up and hugged zach.

"okay, are we done with the apologies? i'm hungry!" logan shouted, interrupting the moment.

"REALLY LO, NOW IS NOT THE TIME!" jack shouted at logan, shaking his head. "hey, i'm hungry ok? so unless you want me to chop your hair off and boil it in a pot of water, you should shut up!" logan replied to jack, we all laughed as jack eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed.
word count: 1345

hope you enjoyed this chapter! i have an interview for a highschool i want to go to in 30 minutes! eek. applying for high schools in chicago is stressful. i have to take at least 9 exams just to get into at least one highschool of my liking!!!

do you want a chance to be in the book? i would love to add some of you guys to this book! just comment if you would like to be in it.


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