1 • hey

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hi. my names julianna. i don't have a last name, because, well, i'm a foster child. you're probably thinking wow that must be harsh or omg i feel so bad. well, let me tell you, i don't mind. i stopped caring a long time ago. every time i get 'adopted' by a family, they either return me or i run away. i've never liked any family i've gone to. my mother was slaughtered by my father. my loving mother was always there for me when i needed her. she loved me and cared for me. on the other hand, my father was a drug addict. he would come home every day and drink. i hated him.

now i live in the foster care home system. i've made friends with the front lady,christine. we always talk and she makes me feel normal. the teens my age at the foster care system usually make fun of me. they don't like me, but i don't really let that get to me. now since you know a bit more of me, let's face life.

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