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"One day or day one. You decide."
We had all decided to go to six flags to just relax. Relax. Sure. I'm trying my absolute best to just chill but I can't. I just, can't.

"Alrighty everyone ready to go?" I asked looking at everyone. "Yep! RACE YOU TO THE CAR!" Johnny said running out like a 5 year old. We all laughed and ran to the car.

Somehow, we all managed to fit into Lexi's Car. Hayden and I were sitting in the very back. Everyone was busy with their own conversations. "It would have been better if Caleb was here." I mumbled quietly.

I felt a warm hand intertwined with mine. I look up at Hayden with sympathetic eyes. "It's okay Annie. You're sounding like he's dead. He's fine and wants the best for you." He said kissing my head. I sigh and rest my head on Hayden's shoulder for the rest of the ride.

-skip six flags cause nothing really happens-

After all the fun, I really actually got to enjoy it. I wasn't worrying about to much, other then Hayley. Johnny was giving Hayley a piggy back ride. "Dinner at my place?" Kenzie insists.

We all agree and head on over to her place. We all sit around her living room laughing and being teenagers, plus Hayley of course. "Oooo! I have an idea." Lauren smirked.

She whispered something into Kenzie's ear and she smirked as well. I looked at them confused. They just winked.

"Okay, so." Lauren started off. "We're going to play a game. Kenzie and I are going to ask all of you questions. If you get the answer wrong, you have to go jump in the pool!"

We all agreed. "Okay. The first question is for the boys." Kenzie says. "Describe your girlfriend in one word."

"Amazing." Conner said referring to Jayden.
"Loving." Johnny said referring to Kenzie.
"Caring." Carson said referring to Lexi.

Hayden didn't say anything. "Uh Hayden?" Kenzie said.

"Prefect." He responded smiling at me. I looked away and blushed.

"Okay, well you got the answers wrong!" Kenzie said laughing. "What? How!" Johnny protested. "Well, all of us girls are to good for words. The right answer would have been to kiss us." All of us died in laughter.

Today's been a better day then expected. Im still trying to adjust to everything, but I have my best friends to help me get through it.
I know this is really short
Next chapter is going to have a bit of a time skip.

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