12|Night Summerall

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Currently, I was in English class. But last night, that was a different story. We fell asleep in Hayden's car. Then the next morning we asked some strangers to help us tow the car. Since they were kind enough to do so, Hayden and I contacted our parents to tell them what happened.

So, yeah.

I was doodling in my notebook since I wasn't really focused. I'm still shocked Hayden kissed me. Twice. Well, the second one was on me. But still, did those kisses mean anything to him? Because they sure did mean something to me.

Class was over and it was free period. I walked to my locker and put my books in. "Hey Annie!" I heard a voice say. I look to my side to see Lauren. "Oh hey Lauren." I said with a smile. "So are you feeling better? Yesterday you were kinda... off." She said trailing her voice.

"Yeah I'm doing much better. I was just a little, uh, not in the mood." I stuttered. Wow Annie really smooth. She nodded in disbelief. "Wanna take some cute pictures?" She asked smiling. I smiled back and agreed.

We walked to the steps of the school and took some really cute pictures. I posted on on Instagram before class started.


annieleblanc I may be at school, but I still need to look good 🕊❤️ liked by laurenorlando, carsonluders and 493 more

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annieleblanc I may be at school, but I still need to look good 🕊
❤️ liked by laurenorlando, carsonluders and 493 more

kenzieziegler- looking good girl 💞
haydensummerall- 💜
laurenorlando- photo credits me!
simpliyliv- 😒
kenzieziegler- no one asked for your input @ simplyliv

I smiled at all the comments, except liv's. that one I just ignored. I walked to my next class.

-skip to after school-

School was finally over. The day went by pretty slow. Hayden was coming over today so he was driving me. We were walking together to his car. "So, you're not scared of Liv anymore right?" He asked staring the car engine. "Yeah..." I lied. "Don't worry, I promise you won't get hurt." He smiled. I smiled back. But he couldn't guarantee that.

We pulled up to my house and I unlocked it with my spare key. I let Hayden walk in first before I locked it again. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled. No response. Huh, that's weird. I look at Hayden and he looks confused too. "Maybe they aren't home?" Hayden suggests. I nod, but, there usually home by now.

Hayden and I walk up to my room. We toss our backpacks on the floor and I jump on my bed. Hayden sits on my bean bag chair. "Now what?" Hayden asks. "I don't know." I say laying back, looking at the ceiling.

That was my phone.
I sit up to check the message.

Mom❤️- Hey Annie dear, your dad and I had to go out for awhile for an emergency. Hayley's at a friends house, so can you pick her up for us? And it's only going to be you and Hayley in the house tonight so stay extra safe.
Annie- Okay mom. But what happened? And where's Caleb?
Mom❤️- Caleb's with us, and I'll explain when I get home. Love you ❤️ stay safe
Annie- bye love you too ❤️

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