8|Teddy Bear

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It's a Tuesday morning. I woke up sneezing and coughing. Dad took my temperature and I have the flu. He told me to stay home. That means I was home alone. Parents at work, and siblings at school. I was eating my breakfast miserably.

I got a message on my phone. It was Lexi.

Lexi⭐️- Hey girlie 💕 why aren't you at school?
Annie- Hey Lex. I'm sick with the flu 😷
Lexi⭐️- awww poor thing. I'll visit after school okay? I'll bring some chicken soup!
Annie- thanks Lexi 😘😘
Lexi⭐️- anytime bbg!

I smiled and put my phone down. I went to the couch and binge watched some Netflix. I decided to take a nap to take my mind off things.

I woke up to the front door bell ringing. Hmm... I don't think I was expecting someone besides Lexi. But it's only 11:12 am. I fix my hair into a messy bun and open the door. I sneeze before looking to see who it was. It was Hayden, standing there with a teddy bear.

"Hey Hayden.. what are you doing here?" I asked confused but happy. "Uh, Lexi told me that you were sick, so I brought you a bear" he said holding up the bear. I took it from him and smiled. "I would hug you right now, but I don't want to get you sick." I said with a weak laugh. "I don't care" he said holding his arms up. I laugh and hug him. He hugs back.

I pulled away from the hug. "Wait, did you leave school?" I said looking up at him. He had a nervous smile. I laughed. We walked in my house and flopped on the couch. "Aren't you gonna go back to school?" I said cuddling up in my blanket with the bear Hayden gave me. "You don't want me here?" Hayden said with a sad tone and a small voice crack. "What? No! I want you to stay of course but-" "chill Anns, I was kidding." He said laughing. I smiled and threw a pillow at him.

I turned on Netflix and we watched it. Hayden scooted closer to me, putting his arm around me. I smiled and put my head in his chest. We continued watching Netflix the whole day.

I think I fell asleep because I woke up to see Hayden sleeping to. I smile and carefully sit up straight. I check the time 2:45 pm. Lexi's almost here! I wake up Hayden by moving my fingers through his hair. "Hayden, wake up," I said saying in a quite voice. He didn't wake up. "Okay, you asked for it!" I grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it. Now, he's up. "Heyy! I was sleeping!" He said in a grouchy voice. "Lexi's going to be here soon." I said looking at him stretching. "Why?" "Because she's bring me chicken noodle soup." I said cheerfully. He smiled. "I'm guessing that's my cue to leave?" He said raising a brow. "You don't have to." I said not wanting him to leave. "Sorry, I have to anyways. I have a football practice. Reminding me, I have a game tomorrow, can you come?" He said biting his lip. It's so cute when he bites his lip. "Sure!" I said. He smiled.

He holds his arms out for a bye hug. I hug him. "Thanks for making my day so much better." I said still hugging him. "You made mine too." He whispered. I was trying so hard not to blush. He let go and walked out. While he was walking out, Lexi walked in. "What was Hayden doing here?" She said wiggling her eyebrows and smirking. "He just came to gave me a teddy bear." I said blushing. "Awwww, wittle Annie's blushing!" She said with a high pitched baby voice. "Wittle is my thing ma'am!" I said we laughed and walked to kitchen.

"Here is your noddle soup, as promised." Lexi said giving it to me. "Yay!" I said opening the container. We sit and talk. "Annie! I'm home!" I heard Caleb say. "I'm in the kitchen!" I say trying to shout. He walks in the kitchen. "Oh hey Lexi.." he said smiling. "Hey Caleb." She replied. Almost everyone knows Caleb likes Lexi.

Caleb joins our conversation and he keeps on flirting with Lexi. I feel like a third wheeler so I go up to my bedroom and take another nap. What do you expect? I'm a sick person. I cuddle with the teddy bear Hayden gave me. It smells like him.

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