5|Crashing Our Sleepover

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It was the next day, and it was raining pretty hard. But, it was a Friday AND the night of Lauren's sleepover! Apparently Caleb likes Lexi. He was talking about her ALL day during lunch. They would look cute together! Right now Caleb was driving me to school.

"So, you excited?" Caleb asked me. "Excited about what?" I asked confused. "Lauren's sleepover. Since you've never been to one." He said pulling up in a parking spot. "Oh. Yeah, I guess." I said getting out of the car. Caleb got out to and we walked to class.

As I was getting out books from my locker, someone shoved me. "Ouch." I whispered to myself. I turn around to see a girl with light brown hair. "Hey newbie. You're Annie right?" She said crossing her arms. "Um yeah. Why?" I said with a little attitude. "Is it true that you and Hayden hung out last night?" She said stepping closer to me. "So what if we did?" I said annoyed. "Just, back off. He's mine. My names Liv by the way. So stay away." She said flipping her hair and storming off. I rolled my eyes and walked to class.

As I entered English class, I saw Hayden writing something in his journal. I tip toe behind him. He still doesn't notice me?! "Boo!" I said putting my hands on his shoulder. "Ahhh!" He turned around to see me. "Oh, Annie you scared me." He said giggling. I laughed at sat down next to him. "You seemed more into that journal then your surroundings." I said getting my notebook out. "Yeah, well I was trying to write some ideas for our project." He said. We discussed some more about the project and goofed off a bit. Hayden's the type of person that can make you laugh and happy any day.
-time skip to lunch cause I'm lazy-
Lunch time came around. I walked in with Kenzie. The boys were sitting at a different table because their coach was explaining how football season was going to go this year. So it was just Kenzie, I, Lauren, Jayden and Lexi. "Hey girls!" Kenzie said sitting down. "Hey! Ready for tonight?" Lauren said smiley. "Yup!" Jayden replied eating chips. "Hmm, I was thinking to watch some movies, and we can have a girls night!" Lexi squealed. We all squealed with her. "Wait! I'll make a group chat!" I said pulling out my phone. I added everyone's numbers and named it: Girl Gang 💕

Everyone agreed and we continued eating and talking.
-another time skip!-
Right now I was getting ready for Lauren's sleepover. I tossed my items in my mini backpack and jogged downstairs. Mom and Dad were out on a date. Caleb was babysitting Hayley for the night. "Bye bubbs! I'm off to Lauren's!" I said putting on my shoes. "So I'm guessing bubbs is a new nickname?" He said smiling. "Yep!" I said smiling back. "Okay. Bye Anns! Stay safe!" He said. Kenzie and Jayden were picking me up so I waited for them to come.

Not less then a minute, and they were here. "Beep Beep! Hop in!" Jayden said on the passenger seat. I laughed and went in and sat in the back. "Hey! Thanks again for the ride." I thanked Jayden. "Anytime girlie." She said driving off. We jammed out to music for the rest of the car ride.

We pulled up in Lauren and Johnny's driveway. We grabbed our bags and hopped out. Jayden rang the doorbell. Not even seconds later, Johnny opened the door. "Oh hey. Lauren's upstairs." He said opening the door wider for us to walk in. We thanked John and ran upstairs. Lauren's door was open. There she sat with Lexi.

"Hey girls!" Lauren said standing up to give us all hugs. "So, shall we get this party started?!" Kenzie said almost yelling. "Yeah!" We all responded. We all started to do normal girl sleepover stuff. We painted our nails. And let me tell you, they came out really cute!

"Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" I suggested. Everyone agreed and we all sat down in a circle. The doorbell rang, but we didn't care about it to much. "Okay. I'll start." Lexi said. "Kenz, truth or dare?" "Um...dare!" Kenzie said. "Okay, I dare you to go downstairs and kiss Johnny's cheek!" Lexi said trying to hold in her laughter. We all knew Kenzie liked Johnny. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

5 minutes later she came back in blushing. "Ooooooo" We all teased her. "Shut up!" She said sitting back down. "Okay. Lauren, truth or dare?" "Easy, truth!" She said rubbing her hands together. "Okay, its it true, that you have a diary?" Kenzie said wiggling her eyebrows. "Hahahaha uh no." Lauren said sarcastically, which made us all burst up laughing.

"Okay Annie, truth or dare?" Lauren asked me. "Um... dare?" I said unsure of myself. "Okay... I dare you to tell us your crush!" Lauren squealed. "Ha, I don't have one. I've only known everyone for a week." I said rubbing my arm with my hand.

"Anyone up for a movie?" Johnny said busting in the room. We all looked at him scared. "Johnny! You sacred the living bejesus out of us!" Kenzie said with her hand dramatically over her heart. "Ha, sorry. Anyways, Hayden and Carson are here! I invited them, since I was bored." Johnny said scratching the back of his neck. "Sure. Why not." Lauren shrugged. We all got up and walked down to the living room.

Apparently, Lauren and Johnny's parents were out on a business trip. We walked down to see Carson and Hayden. Hayden was chilling on the couch on his phone while Carson was on the floor. "Hey boys!" Lexi called out. They turned their attention to us and smiled. Hayden's eyes were on me the whole time. I was trying my hardest not to blush.

I flopped on the couch next to Hayden. Lexi sat down next to Carson and Kenzie next to Johnny. Lauren and Jayden sat next to each other. "Hey Summerall." I smiled. "Aye LeBlanc." "So you decided to crash our sleepover?" I asked raising a brow. "What? Psh no." He said sarcastically. I just giggled.

"So what movie guys?" Jayden asked. "Horror!" Hayden and Carson shout. I have a weird feeling that the boys planned this out... "umm.. sure.." Lauren said scrolling down through Netflix. We finally decided on IT. I but my lip and cuddled my pillow. Johnny turned off the lights. Geez thanks Johnny.

"Annie, it's okay. I'm here." Hayden said whispering, putting his hand on mine. That made me blush. Good thing the lights were off. I nod. I let go of my pillow and put my arms and put them around Hayden. He put his around my shoulder.

Every time a scary part would come on, I would bury my face into his chest. He didn't seem to mind.

Once the movie was over, Kenzie and Johnny were cuddling, Lauren and Jayden looked petrified, and Carson had his arm around Lexi. Ouch. I don't think Caleb would like that. I looked up at Hayden and he smiled. We both blushed and I let go.

We all played around a goofed until it was time for bed. I was the first to knock out. I don't know where I fell asleep, all I knew that I was comfortable. I think I like this new life. I like this change.
This was a pretty lengthy chapter!

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