Taken Again?

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    Im lost. Mentally and physically lost. I have no idea where I am, I just ran. I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could. Anything to get away from those horrible excuses for humans. As to where I am going, I have no idea. To be honest I'm not even worried about where I am, as long as I'm not there. 

   You might be lost too. Let me try to help you out. My name is Cassidy, Cassidy Grace Currie. I am 17, I have long golden brown hair that goes down to my waist. I have deep brown eyes and freckles scattered across my face. I am fairly skinny due to the lack of food I have received over the past few years. I don't know exactly how long it has been since I've seen my family. Since I've seen the sun. Since those evil men took me. They took me from everything and everyone I loved.  I was 12 when they showed up at my house while I was home alone. I just want to get away from them all, thats why I am where I am now. It was an extremely difficult to get out but hey, here I am. I'm almost free, I think. I don't know where I am. I just know that with every step I take I am a step further away from them. 

    Beside the occasional street light it is pitch black here. As I was running I passed many stores and people. As I continued the buildings thinned out and everything became quieter. I wish I could say I felt at peace but there was something deep inside of me that was still unhappy with the environment I was in.  Nonetheless I continued walking, I was quickly running out of energy. After being locked in a small cell in their basement I didn't even expect myself to get this far.  I saw a small park ahead and came to the quick decision of where I would sleep tonight. I neared the park and made my way to the bench. After sitting down I quickly flashed my eyes around the area, making sure no one was around. After evaluating my surroundings I laid my head down on the wood and quickly dozed off. 




SSSKKKIIRRRTTTTT!! I darted up off the bench. I shook the sleep out of my eyes and quickly observed my surroundings. When I looked towards the road in the direction of the sound I saw everything I feared.  It was them. I bolted out of my seat on the bench, my best chances laid ahead of me. The woods. I dashed into the forest with the men following quickly behind me. There had to be at least four of them. They must of split up to find me because I remember seeing at least ten different men at the house. I was dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs. The sound of leaves crunching behind me grew louder and louder. I was not about to give up. There is no way I can go back to that heck hole. Even if I did I knew they would kill me from torturing me so badly once they dragged me back into that basement. These thoughts only made me run faster and faster. All of a sudden there was an extremely loud growl that erupted from the trees to my left.  The crunching behind me halted to a stop as I saw two glowing eyes approaching us slowly. I was confused but took this as an opportunity to escape. I continued sprinting as I heard more growls and hissess coming from behind me.  I am confused as heck. I have to push all of these thoughts passed me unless if I want to fal-  Ouch! I ran right into a tree and fell on the ground. Im so stupid, and tired. Man, Im tired. My head is pounding, Im so confused. I remained on the ground and held my bleeding forehead in my hands. As I took a second to catch my breath I noticed the growling had stopped. I looked up, concerned and confused. Only to see not one, but five pairs of glowing eyes staring at me. All I could see was their eyes due to the darkness. We all stared at each other for a few seconds until a voice screamed inside my head, "RUN! GET OUT OF THERE! THEY ARE GOING TO EAT YOU!" 

     I quickly stood up, wobbling a bit as I tried to regain my balance. I began to take slow steps backwards in an attempt to gain my distance before darting off. The creatures did not appreciate my actions whatsoever. With every step I took back they took an even bigger step forward. This isn't doing any good. I made an impulse decision to take off. I turned around and darted off away from the creatures. I knew they would catch me soon enough due to how week I was but it was worth the try to get away. I couldn't hear leaves crunching behind me, odd. I unfocused my attention from ahead of me for a few moments, curious if the creatures where following me. What do they say, curiosity killed the cat. As soon as I turned around I tripped over a log. As I fell I heard a large crack coming from my ankle. When my face hit the forest floor I was out like a light.




  Ok so this was my very first chapter of my very first book ever! Please point out any errors and give suggestions for future chapters. I hope you liked it and sorry if it was really bad. -Ivey

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