Stephan Strange (Dr strange)x Reader [Finally]

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Wow ok, I'm so annoyed I didn't do a Dr Strange one until now like wtf is wrong with me Bendthatdick Cucumberpatch is bae. Anyway I'm dying and life is sad, Enjoy!


Stephan Strange really fit his name. Ever since (Y/N) met him she had described him a strange. That didn't stop the small friend ship they had. To be honest how close they were was a little fuzzy. Sometimes they would only communicate when they needed to at work, sometimes they spent every shift together. Sometimes they would send simple texts just to ask where the other was, sometimes they would call each other at three am and talk about serious issues and feelings for hours. One thing that was clear was that there some kind of spark between the two, everyone saw it, except the two involved. It was very frustrating, especially for Christine who had been trying to set the two up for almost a year now.

When the doctor had his accident and lost his hands he shut himself away. He didn't discuss how he felt about it, only that he wished they still worked. However sometimes, when he was really venerable, he wold call (Y/N) very early in the morning and talk to her. It was more like him sobbing and trying to get his feelings out. She would listen and tell him it would be ok, even though he told her she was wrong it didn't matter. All she wanted was her friend back.

The night Stephan disappeared he called her. It was around five am and the young girl was just getting up. As soon as she picked the phone up, before she could get a word in, his voice cut her off. He didn't sound upset, like he normally did, but almost happy.

"I'm going to fix it (Y/N)"

"What? Stephan wh-"

"My hands (Y/N), I'm going to fix them trust me. I don't know how long I'll be gone but I wanted to say goodbye and...never mind, goodbye"

"Steph-" he hung up.

And that was the last sighting for months. It hurt her a great deal, her work wasn't as good and her social life was almost gone. Everyone was worried and tried to get her to move on but she wouldn't budge. Most had presumed him dead, of course (Y/N) was sure he was out there. When Christina told her about him bursting into the hospital needing surgery, her heart almost dropped out her chest. He was out there, alive and hopefully ok. Then he burst in with another lady who didn't make it, again it wasn't her shift so she missed him.

While the incident in China was happening, she was intently watching the TV. The moment she spotted him it felt like the world was crashing down, which it actually was. It took a long time for the country to recover from the attack and even longer for (Y/N) to recover from seeing him. Still he had clearly made a new life, and he was probably happy. So if he couldn't be with her, but was still happy then she was alright.

About a month after the attack she was returning from work. As she closed the door and reached for the light switch her eye caught something. There was someone stood in her living room, facing her. She froze, then slowly reached for the door. Suddenly the lights clicked on.

"Hello (Y/N)"



There was a long pause as while she recovered from the shock. Stephan however, was sure she hated him for disappearing. Slowly he approached her.

"Look, I'm really sorry about-" before he could finish she tackled him into a hug.

After a moments hesitation he returned the gesture. Her body began to shack slightly as her sobs became clearer.

"I missed you so much"

"I know, I'm sorry"

"It's ok"

He tightened is grasp and kissed the top of her head.

"Hay (Y/N)"


There was another pause and then Stephan pulled back slightly. He tilted her head up so they made eye contact.

"I love you"

However shocked she was before, was nothing compared to this. A little too stunned to reply right away she stay silent, Stephan took this as a bad sign and was about to apologies again.

"I love you too" it came out as barley a whisper but he heard.

Feeling more joy then he thought possible, Stephan leaned in and connected their lips. It was passionate and long overdue. All the years of on and off friend ship were gone and replaced with this love. It was everything they were missing.


Whoop 10 points to slytherin yay good bye see you soon love you all

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