Zen Zen Zense (7)

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Mafumafu sat bored in his mixing class. He stared at the board with lazy eyes as the professor explained things that he already knew. Why did he take this class again? Oh right, he wanted to learn something new to make his mixes better. But right now, he was just learning stuff that he taught himself years ago. He sighed.

It had been a week since his 'big performance'. Sometimes, he'd be surrounded by girls and boys, wanting to hear his singing some more. With his shy and awkward demeanor, it took Amatsuki or Kashitarou to ward them off. Mafu was more than grateful for his friends but ever since then, he hadn't seen Soraru anywhere. Not even when he occasionally visited the apartment. He sighed in defeat as he leaned back in his seat. Soraru must've not wanted to talk to him anymore. He must've embarrassed him...

"That's all you're good for anyway. Embarrassing people. You don't deserve the friends you have now!"

He felt his anxiety creeping up on him. He shook his head, readjusting the grip on his pencil and nervously tapping it on his paper.

Stop it...

"It's true and you know it. They just pity you."

He bounced his knee, biting his lip. Now was really not the time to cry.

"Stop it." He tried to counteract those terrible thoughts, "It's not true so stop it."

The mocking voice only grew louder, more sinister, "No. I'll never stop. I'll never stop because it's all true. Just like he said all those years ago...you're nothing."

The bell rung promptly after that.

Mafumafu quickly packed up his items, his hands shaking. He dropped a few things but quickly picked them up and rushed to the bathroom. Locking himself in a stall, he couldn't hold back anymore. His sobs were loud, long, and harsh. Tears clouded his vision and fell to his lap.

It must've been hours since he went in there.

His heart jumped when he heard the door open and it plummeted when he saw feet standing in front of his stall. The albino sat there, silently wiping his tears. He gasped a small gasp when he heard faint knocks. Someone cleared their throat and the voice that came out was more than familiar.

"Hey, um...you've, uh, you've been here a while. Is..is everything okay?" Soraru spoke on the other side of that stall door.

Mafumafu chewed on his lip and answered, "Y-Yeah..." he croaked, throat sore from the crying.

Soraru nodded, resting his forehead on the door, "Okay...um, Amatsuki is looking for you so..yeah."

Mafu nodded and sniffed, "O-Okay..."

The albino forced himself to stand up and open the stall door. There, Soraru stood, worry glazing his eyes. Mafu could only look down as he rushed past Soraru. He washed his hands at the sink and he could feel the bluenette burning holes into his head. Mafumafu bit his lip and grabbed some paper towels. Soon enough, the awkward silence they shared was broken by Soraru's words.

"Your eyes are red. U-Um, as if they weren't red already but, uh...were you crying?"

"No!" Mafu answered almost immediately, voice cracking. He hiccuped and covered his mouth, "I-I wasn't crying...thanks for your concern though, Soraru-san."

He gave Soraru a small, tired smile before leaving the bathroom. All of a sudden, he was glomped by his friend.

"Mafu-kun! Are you okay?! We saw you go in there like, twenty minutes ago!" Amatsuki explained with worry and concern lacing his voice.

"It was nothing, really. I'm fine, see~?" Mafu smiled a bit wider, a bit brighter.

"See?" A reassuring voice played in his head, "They really do care about you. Don't worry, everything is okay!"

He squeezed Amatsuki when the brunette gave him another hug.

"Everything is okay, Amatsuki-kun..~" He muttered. And this time:

He really meant it.


okay so, i did tear up a bit writing this chapter. ill be honest, it was more of a filler than anything. it does set up the 'plot' for mafu later on in the story with all his insecurities about himself, his singing, etc.

im gonna write a super long chapter for next week OTL, wish me luck lol

BONUS: i drew something for this angel's (belated) bday. it's in the chapter \^^/


Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now