Zen Zen Zense (15)

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An unfamiliar alarm blared in Soraru's ear, prompting him to wake up. He yawned and slowly sat up, looking around. He was still in Mafumafu's room. Looking over, he saw the albino sleeping peacefully, curled up slightly beside him. Soraru's gaze face flushed red as he groaned a bit, burying his face in his hands.

Last night, he had confessed.

The feelings he had harbored for over three months, spilled like an unbalanced cup of tea after an emotional night. It was a spur of the moment, he slipped it out after Mafu thought he'd leave him. He was prepared to be hit with rejection but instead, the feelings were reciprocated, sending him into pure bliss for the night.

The bluenette's lips slowly curled up into a smile as he sighed out loud. He heard a small yawn and looked over at Mafumafu, who was just starting to wake up.

"Nn...g-good morning, Soraru-san~" Mafu greeted, smiling.

Soraru smiled back. Mafu's smile was so bright and pure, it completely erased all the sadness he was hit with last night. He stretched his hand out to rub Mafu's hair, a touch the albino leaned into, as if he were a cat.

"Good morning, Mafu-kun." Soraru replied, wholeheartedly.

The two spent the morning in bed, lounging around, sharing laughs and stories to keep their minds off last nights events. Mafumafu, despite going through so much pain, bore the brightest smile Soraru has ever seen. His touches, though hesitant, were warm and innocent. As he talked, he played with Soraru's cardigan, his fingers, occasionally his hair. As if he couldn't sit still as he talked about whatever he talked about. Soraru smiled at the albino, finding himself slowly lean forward.

"E-Eh? Soraru-san?" Mafu blinked.

Soraru's lips brushed past Mafumafu's forehead, causing the freshman to blush heavily.

"S-S-Soraru-san...?!?" He stuttered, holding the spot the bluenette kissed.

The older male laughed at the flustered Mafu. He didn't really know why he did it, he just wanted to. He loved seeing Mafumafu get so flustered over something as simple as a forehead kiss.

"I-I'll get you back, you'll see!" He huffed, throwing the blanket off him.

Soraru watched, amused, as the albino stumbled around for clothes. He raised his eyebrow when Mafu reddened, covering himself.

"Soraru-san! When did you change my clothes..?!?" He wailed.

Soraru shrugged, "It was only your shirt and your pants. They were...you know..." He trailed off.

Mafu's gaze fell to the ground, "Oh. Right....sorry for troubling you." He apologized.

The bluenette sighed an aggravated sigh and got off the bed as well, "Enough with this sorry. It's done, it's over. Just promise me...you won't do it again, right?"

Mafumafu furrowed his brows and bit his lip harshly. There was a beat of silence before Mafu nodded and Soraru sighed in relief. He pulled the shorter one into a hug, running his hand through the white mane.

"G-Good...I promise I won't leave you again..." He managed to choke out.

Mafu returned the hug tightly, nodding into Soraru's shirt, "Nn! O-Okay..!"

The two stood there for sometime, enjoying the holds they had around each other. After some time, they decided to freshen up (Soraru denying Mafu's offer to shower at his place) and spend the day together, despite them both having classes. Soraru dressed up in some of Mafumafu's larger clothes and the duo headed out into the bitter cold of another November day. They managed to sneak off the campus and before they knew it, they were having fun out and about on the town.

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now