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Happy Halloween, kiddos!
(woo a double upload! also this isn't canon lol it's just kinda like an OVA)


Mafumafu tugged on his tattered rags with a happy grin on his face.

"Perfect!" He cheered.

Ah, Halloween. A spooky time full of spooky frights. He was always scared easily but that didn't mean he didn't love participating in these creepy festive activities. For about a week, the albino had been working on his ghost costume and today, it was finally complete. He smiled at the mirror that bore various pictures of him with his friends, him with Soraru, and a few of him with his cat. He grabbed his phone and bag and ventured to the decorated halls of the dormitory.

Kashitarou and Amatsuki were throwing a party in their large apartment. Despite having an irrational fear of large crowds, Mafumafu decided to go. He checked his phone. There were multiple messages from all his friends; Urata, Sou, Sakata, Luz, and even un:c and Kuro. Yet none from Soraru...

"Weird.." Mafu muttered, thinking nothing of it.

He left the dormitory. It was chilly outside, considering he was wearing a blanket and leggings, but he didn't mind for once. The albino bore a bright smile as he walked out of the campus and to the bustling streets of Tokyo.

There were a bunch of people wearing costumes, having fun and partying. Some people were even coming back from a few parties themselves, only to go to another one. Mafumafu smiled softly at everyone. Halloween was truly a hearty celebration. His phone buzzed and he immediately went for it. Alas, it was only a simple text from his stepbrother, a reminder to be careful on the streets today or else the ghouls were going to get him. The boy chuckled and sent a quick reply and continued on his merry way.

He reached the apartment complex after some time. The lobby was decorated with ghosts and ghouls. Fake spiders hung from the ceiling, dangling from thin strings. Mafu chuckled and stepped into the elevator, pressing the button to the 8th floor. The lift went up smoothly as Mafumafu scrolled through Twitter on his phone. He smiled at the pictures, his friends were really having fun tonight. His mood deflated a bit when he saw no messages from Soraru yet.

He sighed and watched the stainless steel doors easily glide open. He stepped out and walked down the long hallway. Upon arriving at the couple's (and Soraru's) apartment, he knocked once before the door swung open. Standing there was a zombified Amatsuki, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Mafu-kun! Welcome!" The zombie moved aside so that Mafu could come up.

The ghost smiled happily and stepped into the lively party. There were drinks (both alcoholic and non), food, games, and a karaoke machine. Mafu took a look around. Kuro was dressed as a cat (for obvious reasons), Sou dressed as a pirate, Urata and Sakata were matching as a ramen bowl and chopsticks, Luz was a demon as well as un:c. He could see all his friends but Soraru...

Suddenly, as if his prayers had been answered, the bluenette begrudgingly walked out of his bedroom, Kashitarou following. Mafu gazed at the older male. His dark blue hair was slicked back. A tight fitting red vest and black slacks hugged his body, bringing out his figure nicely. A black cloak draped over his shoulders and it even looked as if he teeth were sharp as he scowled at Kashitarou.

Mafumafu felt his cheeks heat up when they suddenly made eye contact. He gulped as Soraru strolled over, looking less slouched and more regal than usual, though that might just be his imagination.

"H-Hi Soraru-san..~" The younger male chirped.

Soraru looked over Mafu's costume, "So you ended up wearing that?"

The ghost nodded happily, "Mhm! I've been working on it all week. D-Do you like it?"

The bluenette stared at Mafumafu before quickly grabbing his wrist and leading him to his bedroom.

"E-Eh, Soraru-san? What is it..?" Mafu asked, worried.

Soraru stared down at the albino, "Remember how I told you...that you look so cute in that, if you ended up wearing it to the party, I'd harass you?" He took a step forward, causing Mafu to take a step back with a heavy blush on his face.

The ghost nodded meekly under the vampire's gaze, feeling his face quickly heat up. Soraru stares a bit more before swooping in for a heated kiss. His lips pressed against Mafumafu's, his tongue slipping past the other's lips. Mafu clung onto Soraru's cloak as he was absorbed into the sweet kiss. Soraru pushed his knee in between Mafu's legs, prompting him to fall on the bed.

"S-Soraru-san..." He breathed out once the kiss was broken.

The vampire grinned a bit before licking a small spot on the albino's neck, causing him to shiver and whimper. His teeth grazed over the same spot. Mafu's grip on the black fabric tightened as he closed his eyes, awaiting the next actions of his boyfriend. He shuddered at the feverish breathing in his ear. He could practically hear the smirk in Soraru's voice.

"Happy Halloween, Mafumafu-kun~" He said before springing up.

Mafu gaped at the older male, his face soon turning as red as his eyes. He jumped up from the bed.

"Soraru-san, you're such a bully! A big bully!" He whined loudly as the bluenette laughed.

"Sorry sorry. But I was being serious about that, you know." He winked.

Mafumafu covered his face. He didn't know how he could possibly be getting so much redder but it was happening. He pushed Soraru out of the bedroom and the duo joined their friends for a spooky celebration.


tbh the closest thing you'll get to smut in this book soory

also this chapter was really boring but i really wanted to do something for halloween!!

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