Zen Zen Zense (1)

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"Mafuuuu! Have you packed everything properly?" Mafumafu's mother called out, packing some food for the trip.

Mafumafu looked at the suitcases that held his belongings. He carefully looked over everything until he heard a small meow coming from below him. A fluffy white cat rubbed against his leg, making him smile.

"Don't worry Mafuteru! I'll be back before you know it. It's not like I'm that good anyway..." His gaze casted to his guitar.

His guitar, a cherry red Squier Mini Strat, rested in the corner of his room. Mafu had been playing that guitar for as long as he could remember. It was his father's and Mafumafu swore to him that he wouldn't let this musical legacy die. The albino sighed, starting to think he really wasn't cut out for this after all. All of a sudden, he was tackled from behind and onto his bed.

"Aiko, what gives?!" Mafu groaned.

His stepbrother stood over him triumphantly, "Stop being such a downer, little brother!"

Mafumafu sat up, "What do you mean? I'm actually feeling rather happy right now!"

Aiko sat next to him, "That's a lie. You have that look of regret. What's up?"

The albino sighed, "Just this whole...college thing. W-What if I'm not cut out for it?"

The older one crossed his arms, "W-What if I'm not cut out for it? Pssshhh, please. You're one of the best musicians I've ever met. You got this, they accepted you for a reason."

His words made the younger one smile, "Yeah, I guess you're right..."

The brothers talked a bit more before hearing a knock. They looked up, seeing their mother standing there with a bag full of food.

"Ah, my Mafu, going away to college! In Tokyo, no less!" She gushed.

Mafumafu smiled bashfully and stood up, "I don't know if I'm ready but I'll give it my best!"

His mother put a hand on his shoulder, "Nonsense. You'll do great. Maybe you'll even debut there! Just like your father~"

That made him smile. His father was a renowned rockstar. He was always on tour but still managed to make time for the family. When he died...it was hard. On everyone. Everyone around the world who was a fan of him was devastated but it was his family that was hit the worse. Just thinking of it made Mafumafu want to cry.

His eyes watered and his smile soon faded, "...I miss dad..."

His mother smiled sadly, "We all do, sweetheart...we all do."

Mafumafu pulled his mother into a hug, Aiko joining in. They hugged for a few minutes before breaking away.

"Here," she handed him the bag of food, "It's for the trip. It'll take a while to get there, try not to get seasick!"

Mafu giggled and accepted the bag, "Yes, thank you mother!"

He gave her one last hug before turning around and closing his suitcases. He took his stuff to the cab that was waiting outside.

"I'll make it in Tokyo! You'll see!" Mafumafu yelled happily.

The cab pulled away from the house and to the port. Mafu stole a glance at his black guitar case. A smile crept onto his face.

He's so ready.


The cab had finally arrived at the port. The smell of sea water hit Mafu lightly. He was going to miss this place, yes he was. He took his stuff out of the cab and payed the driver. As he turned around and as the cab drove away, he was suddenly shoved. Mafu's guitar case fell from his hand and onto the ground.

"Crap, sorry!" The voice apologized, picking up his guitar for him.

Mafumafu waved his hand, "No, no, it's perfectly fine. As long as it's not damaged, I don't mind!"

The stranger looked at Mafu and handed him the guitar, "Yeah...once again, I'm sorry." He bowed.

Mafumafu felt embarrassed by the bowing, "Really, it's fine!"

The stranger straightened himself, "Ah, are you a music student?"

Mafu nodded, "Yes, I am! I'm about to depart to Tokyo!" He exclaimed happily.

The stranger gasped, "You are?! I-I am too! My name is Amatsuki, it's very nice to meet you!"

Mafumafu smiled, "My name is Mafumafu, it's nice to meet you Amatsuki-kun."

Amatsuki and Mafumafu started to make their way onto the boat departing to Tokyo, "So what are you going to major in?"

The albino hummed, "Uhh, I'm majoring in vocals and my minor is guitar. How about you?"

The brunette smiled, "Same, I'm majoring in singing. My minor is strings~"

Mafumafu smiled, "If we have the same major, I'm sure we have the same classes!"

Amatsuki nodded happily, "Yeah, for sure!"

Mafu was happy. He hadn't even arrived in Tokyo yet he already had a friend. This was a fantastic start to a new school year. Amatsuki and Mafumafu got on the boat, found some seats, and continued talking. Mafu learned a lot about him. He was bisexual, currently seeing someone who so happened to live in Tokyo, and he's aspiring to be a singer, just like Mafu. As Mafu stared out the window, admiring the blue ocean, the boat pulled away from the dock. Away from their hometown. Mafumafu smiled.

"I can do this."


Uwah! My first fanfiction, omg. I've been so scared to write one because I feel like I'll make the characters too OOC ('。_。`)

But I'm very happy I started this one. I had stopped listening to utaite and vocaloid songs but because of this, I started listening to them again. And they make me feel so happy inside \(^0^)ノ

Please, follow me and stay tuned!

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now