Zen Zen Zense (12)

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It was another chilly day in autumn. Mafumafu shivered at the campus quad, his scarf covering his mouth. Soraru was late, oh boy, was he late. The two agreed to meet at the quad and then go to a local café. He fumbled with his phone, the time read 10:45 am. The albino sighed and shoved the phone in his pocket. It felt like he was always asking the same question these days: Where are you, Soraru-san?

He didn't think someone he just met roughly two months ago would be so important to him. Soraru was like an older brother figure, his best friend. The more Mafumafu thought, the more he could feel his cheeks heat up.

"M-Maybe more..?" He thought to himself. He shook his head, "That's crazy, we're both guys..."

"Mafumafu-kun!!" The freshman heard, tearing him away from his thoughts.

He looked up to see the bluenette haphazardly dressed and jogging towards him. His heart swelled with warmth and he didn't know why. Soraru stopped and panted in front of him, his navy blue hair a mess as he ran a hand through it.

"Sorry, I...I overslept, can you believe that?" He panted some more.

Mafu smiled, "Knowing you, yeah~" He chirped in response.

Soraru playfully scowled at that, "Yeah yeah, sorry I kept you waiting so long."

Mafu shrugged, "It's fine, can we just go? I can't feel my hands..~"

Mafu noticed the hesitation Soraru suddenly had as he slipped his own hands into his coat pockets. Mafu's brow furrowed slightly but he said nothing about it as the two walked to the local campus café. They made small conversation but for some reason, it was strangely awkward.

"Weird..." Mafumafu thought.

The duo finally arrived at the café. The smell of coffee and baked goods wafted through the air. It was pleasantly warm. Mafumafu slowly removed his scarf and sighed softly when he sat down in a booth with Soraru. The bluenette removed his coat and skimmed the menu.

"What are you getting, Soraru-san?" Mafu asked, looking over his own menu.

Soraru shrugged, "Tea and probably some omurice."

Mafu nodded, "Nn, nn, good choice!"

Soraru laughed, "What are you getting?"

The albino scanned the menu and shrugged, "Some natto...fried egg and rice. Miso soup and milk tea too!"

The senior looked at how happy and bubbly the freshman quickly got at the thought of food. It made him smile. It was unbelievable at how simple things like this could make his heart flutter for this boy. Yet, he didn't know how Mafu felt about him at all. It made him feel worried, insecure. He tried to push those thoughts out of his head as the waitress came by with a small smile on her face.

She was petite, flat chest, long black nails and her hair was short and blonde. She had a small cuff on her lip that was connected by a chain on her ear. It was hard to tell if she was even a girl. Soraru squinted a bit, he swears he's seen her somewhere before.

"Good morning." She said, coolly, "The name's 96neko and I'll be your server for today."

The bluenette gaped at her, "K-Kuro-san..?!"

The blonde grinned a sharp grin, her canines gleaming in the light, "Finally recognized me, huh? How ya been, Soraru-san? I've been seeing you pop up on the Internet recently."

Soraru's mouth relaxed into a smile, "Ah yeah...wait, the Internet?"

Kuro nodded, "Mhm. Your performances with Mafumafu! They're everywhere on YouTube and on the NND."

Soraru gave Mafumafu a look, who shrugged. This was all new to the both of them, "What have you been doing since you graduated..?" The senior had to ask.

96neko was Soraru's old friend who was always a year above him in classes. They met in high school, when Soraru was a wee first year and Kuro was already on her second. They hit it off, their love for music bringing them closer. With them being so close, they had more of a brother-sister relationship than anything anyone else said. Kuro managed to rope him into this college but once she graduated, Soraru hadn't heard of her since.

Kuro shrugged, "Ah just, you know. I'm teaching a music class at a high school not too far from here. But this is my part time job. Remember how we always came here during high school? Well, the shop owner remembered me and gave me a job on the spot!"

Soraru smiled at that, "That's good, Kuro-san."

The blonde nodded confidently and laughed, "Well, enough with the chitchat. You guys are probably starving, whaddya want?"

Mafumafu looked at Soraru, as if asking him to place his order first. Soraru nodded and said his order aloud, adding in a few things like natto and rice. Kuro nodded and turned to the albino, who was slowly getting flustered as he read his order out loud. Kuro laughed and patted his head, causing him to shrink back in embarrassment. Soraru's gaze on Mafu went unwavering as 96neko walked off to get their food.

Mafu blushed when he made eye contact with the bluenette, "W-What..?"

Soraru shook his head, an amused smile finding its way on his face as he rested his head on his hand, "Nothing..~"

Mafumafu pouted at his answer, "Soraru-san, that's a lie."

"I'm not lying." He responded coolly.

The albino's pout didn't waver, "You are!"

Soraru's gaze drifted from those red eyes to those kissable soft lips. It could be so hard to hold himself back sometimes and for some reason, today was one of the days. Their performance three days ago still danced alive in his mind. He couldn't forget how soft Mafu's hand was, how smaller his frame was compared to his own. Just today, he wanted to take Mafu's hands just to warm them up for him...

The bluenette shook his head and sighed a heavy sigh out of nowhere. Mafumafu stared at his senior, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Are you okay, Soraru-san..?" He asked softly.

Soraru nodded, "Ah. I was just thinking is all~" He put on a small smile for the albino.

Mafu nodded slowly and watched 96neko come back with their drinks. She set them down carefully.

"Your food will be here soon!" She chirped before walking off.

Mafu poured in some packets of sugar before mixing his tea around. He took a sip and sighed happily. Soraru smiled at him and took a sip of his own tea. They made small conversations, talking about music and their own interests alike. Mafu's giggle was almost infectious at times and the two had themselves laughing loudly at things that weren't even funny. They ignored the looks other customers shot their way. They were in their own precious little world.

When Kuro had brought them their food and they had started eating, the glances they snuck each other were shy, secretive. The duo laughed when they accidentally made eye contact despite that. They finished up their meal and said their goodbyes to Kuro, who happily waved to them as they left. They walked side by side, their hands in their pockets but they were still close.

"Mm, that was nice Soraru-san. Thank you for taking me!" Mafu chirped after some time.

The bluenette nodded, "Yeah, well...I dragged you into that project so I might as well reward you or something..."

Mafu's smile grew at that as he nuzzled against Soraru. If it wasn't cold out, he'd say he was blushing.

"You're really the best, Soraru-san~"

Soraru turned scarlet.

"Yeah yeah..."


some more random filler also:

sleepy soraru. god that raspy voice f u c k

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now