Zen Zen Zense (5)

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Soraru walked off stage, tired. His voice was raw. Sure, he had practiced this song all week before the assembly but it still took a lot out of him. A small petite girl came with a water bottle and offered it to him, as well as a small, white towel.

"You did great, Soraru-san~!" She praised.

The bluenette took the water bottle, taking a large gulp out of it and answering with a small nod. She walked away to do some other work, leaving Soraru to his thoughts. That kid, Mafumafu was it? It was weird, he thought, how out of everyone in the crowd, their eyes met first. And for a long time too. After the song had ended, Soraru stood there, panting and unable to keep his eyes off the albino. It was only when the younger male broke eye contact first, he walked off stage.

He sighed a light sigh. It shouldn't be something to bother with, just a fluke in the always weird universe. He heard the crowd settle down after a while and the headmaster started speaking again.

"Wasn't that a lovely performance?? A great job as always, Soraru-kun!" He beamed. Soraru rolled his eyes and watched the fishbowl full of names be rolled out onto stage.

"Now, in here, all of your names have been written down. All 300 of you!" Mafumafu choked at that.

"T-Three hundred?!" He thought, "There's no way I'm gonna get picked..."

He watched the headmaster's hand gracefully dip into bowl and rummage around. Students chatted animatedly to one another.

"Do you think you'll get picked?!?"

"I'd love to sing with Soraru-san!"

"I know right?! He's soooo handsome!!"

Mafu sighed. This was a great opportunity to debut and it was about to be wasted...

The headmaster opened his mouth, "...Aikawa Mafumafu!!"

His head shot up, his ruby red eyes wider than saucers. He heard the whispers.

"Who's that?"

"Never heard of her."

"So annoying...I wanted to sing with Soraru-san!"

Mafu was frozen in place, his anxiety quickly raising. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. His name was called again.

"Aikawa Mafumafu? Where is Mafumafu-kun?" The headmaster's voice shook lightly with worry.

Suddenly, he felt himself being shoved into the aisle. He looked behind him, frantically. His friend Amatsuki gave him two thumbs up and a bright smile while Kashitarou gave him one with his unoccupied hand and a small grin to go with it (considering his occupied hand was still around his boyfriend. Did he ever let go at all?)

The albino gulped and looked back ahead. He kept his head down as he walked towards the stage. Although he wasn't looking, he could still feel the stares. He already felt winded as he walked up the stairs, careful not to trip. Mafu walked towards the smiling headmaster, his heart in his throat. He gave a weary smile.

"Mafumafu, was it? Congratulations, you're one step closer to starting your successful music career!"

He started clapping, causing the audience to clap in an unsure fashion. Mafumafu was ushered to the back unexpectedly and stumbled forward, tripping over his own two feet. He felt something soft hit his face, stopping his fall.

"Soft and warm..." He thought, nuzzling the fabric, "Just like back home..."

The albino sighed a long but light sigh before hearing someone clear their throat. His eyes shot open and he quickly scrambled away from the fabric. His face burned as he slowly looked up. Turns out that fabric was:

"S-Soraru-san...!" He gasped.

The bluenette glowered down at him. Mafu gulped and shrank back a little. The silence was awkward and seemed to last forever until a little blonde girl scurried by the two.

"Soraru!" She barked, "Why are you just standing there?! You and Mafumafu-kun are needed in the dressing room! Let's go, go, GO!!"

Mafu jumped at her aggressiveness. Soraru simply sighed and rolled his eyes, "I've got it, I've got it." He said, his deep, smooth voice rolling out easily, "Stop yelling already."

The girl humphed and looked at Mafumafu, "Come with me, yeah? You know the song Hibana right?"

Mafu nodded dumbly, following the two, "Y-Yeah...but I haven't sang it for a while.."

The trio walked into a room, the girl quickly going to a rack of costume, "How long is a while?"

The albino shrugged, "A month..?"

She clicked her tongue and tosses Mafu a black leather jacket, "Good enough, I guess...hmm.." She muttered to her as she held clothes up to Mafu's small frame.

He stood there, stiffly, too scared to move a muscle. From the way she treated Soraru earlier, he did NOT want to piss her off. His stare went from the wall to Soraru, who was sitting on a backwards chair, sipping his water bottle and staring intently. Mafu gulped and quickly averted his gaze.

"Lon." He heard the cool voice say, "Try the red one."

The now named blonde, Lon, snapped her fingers, "You're a genius, Sora-chan!" She scurried around for a red leather jacket as Soraru scowled at the nickname.

"How many times do I have to tell you NOT to call me that?!?" His voice cracked as he yelled and he quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment.

Lon bursted into giggles, "Oh jeez, that song really did a number on you, huh~?"

The bluenette slouched some more, "Just shut up...and stop calling me 'Sora-chan'!"

She waved her hand and turned back to Mafu, handing him an outfit, "Here. Your hoodie is clean enough so just put it on over it!" She chirped as she removed the hair clip that held back those white bangs.

Mafu felt his hair fall back onto his forehead. He felt tiny fingers working through his hair as he put on the jacket. Once again, he looked over at Soraru. The senior was getting the same treatment from another person. He sighed, feeling like the butterflies in his stomach were about to jump out and spill all over the floor.

He shouldn't feel so nervous. He sang in front of people on numerous occasions. But...the number of people was double the number of his regular gigs at coffee shops and open mic nights. Lon stepped back and admired her work, "Cute~"

His cheeks burned at that as he looked at the ground. Lon frowned slightly and tapped Mafu's chin, "Hey, don't be so down! You'll do great, I know it~" She reassured him, delivering a huge smile at the end.

Mafumafu nodded slowly when Soraru was suddenly by his side. The older male looked down at Mafu.

"Ready?" He asked.

Mafu took a deep breath, "...as ready as I'll ever be~"


alright! by the time you're done reading this, i have already started chapter six. if im lucky, i might upload three chapters this week. that's only if i still have this weird inspiration spark OTL

q: unoriginal question but who's your favorite utaite/vocaloid/utau

a: for me, my favorite is mafumafu (obviously), either oliver, yohio, or IA, and idk any utau (oops)

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now