Zen Zen Zense (3)

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The group arrived at a building of some sorts. Kashitarou helped Amatsuki out of the car and grabbed his bags for him. Mafu smiled, he thought it was cute despite being straight himself. Soraru exited the car and Mafu followed with all his things. He was pretty sure he was going to be staying at the dorms but it wouldn't hurt to check this place out.

"Ah, Mafu-kun. You must need help with that, right?" Kashitarou spoke up, leaving Amatsuki's side.

Mafumafu shook his head, seeing that the older male was already holding his friend's bags, "No, Kashitarou-san, you're already holding so many bags!"

The blonde grinned, "A few more won't hurt, come on!"

The albino sighed and handed over his bags, still latching on to his guitar. Kashitarou returned to his spot next to Amatsuki, flexing and showing off playfully, making him giggle. Mafu gazed at the sight, he really did think it was cute....

"Are you disgusted?" A voice suddenly spoke, "Most people find it disgusting."

The albino looked up, seeing Soraru standing beside him, staring at his best friend admiringly.

Mafu spoke slowly, "I don't...I think it's cute. I'm happy they're together, Kashitarou-san is good to Amatsuki-kun. So I don't have to worry, hehe~"

The bluenette smiled, "Yeah, Kashi is a good guy. I'm happy he chose Amatsuki too. They're good together."

Mafumafu nodded, still staring up at Soraru. The tsundere seemed so ice cold from a first glance but his smile could probably light a million porch lights. Mafu kept staring until someone cleared their throat. He jumped and felt his cheeks grow hot. Amatsuki giggled before stepping into the elevator with Kashitarou, leaving Soraru and the albino downstairs to wait for it.

Soraru sighed and sat in a waiting chair, "Every time. They're probably making out as we speak!"

That just made Mafu blush more, "O-Oh?"

Soraru nodded, "They've done it before. It was a mess when I found them, they were tangled in each other!"

Mafumafu chuckled, "Really? Could you tell me more about them?"

Soraru nodded, going on a long tangent about the couple. Mafu sat there, engrossed in the conversation. Even though the older one was ranting on and on, Mafumafu could hear the amusement in his voice. That made him giggle. Finally, they heard the elevator ding and open.

"Finally..." Soraru stood up from his chair, the albino copying his actions.

The duo stepped into the sleek elevator and Mafumafu set his guitar case on the ground, leaning back against the cool blue wallpaper. He let a small sigh escape his lips.

"Tired already? Don't worry, you'll get plenty of time to rest before classes actually start." Soraru spoke up.

The younger boy nodded and closed his eyes as the elevator smoothly moved up. The two heard a small bing before the doors opened. Standing there was Amatsuki and Kashitarou. The group chatted a bit while they walked to the apartment 504. Kashitarou set all the luggage down before rummaging in his pocket for the room key.

Unlocking the door reveled a homey apartment. Stuffed animals and figurines rested on a shelf in the living room that you could see from the entrance. The walls were a cool grey with the floors being light colored hardwood. Deeper in the room was a large kitchen. The tiles were a sleek black with a white backsplash and stainless steel counters. Black couches rested in the living room, all facing a large television. Mafumafu stared in wonder, this place was so...modern!

Amatsuki giggled, "Mafu-kun, you look like you've never seen a place like this before~"

The albino shook his head, "Because I haven't..."

Mafumafu didn't travel much with his dad due to school and lessons. But his father would always tell him the adventures of his tours while he and his stepbrother listened excitedly. He wanted to live a life like that, so adventurous and carefree...

The poor boy was soon snapped out of his thoughts by Kashitarou.

"Mafumafu-kun? You okay? You kinda zoned out there!"

Mafu blinked back to reality, "Ah, I'm fine! Just tired..."

Kashitarou hummed and led the group inside, Soraru claiming his spot on the couch. The blonde and brunette excused themselves to the bedroom with their luggage, leaving Mafumafu to stand there awkwardly in the middle of the room.

Soraru flipped through channels lazily, not acknowledging the boy.

Mafu cleared his throat, "U-Um, Soraru-san..." That earned a small grunt from the bluenette, "Soraru-san, I should really be going...d-do you have any directions to wear the campus is?"

Soraru sat up and groaned slightly, not wanting to get up. He shuffled to a drawer and picked up a pair of keys.

"Let me drive you. Get your things, I'll meet you by the elevator."

The guitarist nodded and followed Soraru's instructions. He slung his last bag on his shoulder and walked to the elevator where the tsundere was waiting. They stepped into the elevator, both probably very exhausted. Once they had stepped out, Mafumafu followed Soraru to his car where he drove him to the train station. Bidding their goodbyes, Mafu stepped onto the semi empty train and took a seat. He closed his eyes and sighed contently.

He was in for one hell of a year.


Tadaa! Another chapter (finally!). Apologies for the delay, I'm just terrible at thinking of ideas for stories, usually the beginning is the worse.
The middle and ending areas are where I strive owo.

Q: First utaite song?
A: Ghost Rule by Mafumafu. That is why I love him so much, because he was able to show me this giant array of beautiful and adorable singers (*⁰⁰*)

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now