Zen Zen Zense (23)

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Warning: homophobic slurs.

The week in Okinawa had came and gone. Soraru was happily integrated into the Aikawa family. He got to know Aiko, Mafu's older stepbrother who stayed with them when Mafu's mother and stepfather broke it off. He got to know more about Mafumafu's father, who he was, how he was like, etcetera..

With that, the week went by swiftly and the duo found themselves all packed up and standing in Mafu's large foyer. Mafu's mother was giving them all the snacks she baked and put together for their plane ride to Miyagi. The albino was kindly trying to tell her that they didn't need this much food for such a short flight, only spanning 3 hours. Sure, if they opted to take the 45-hour train ride, this would be understandable. But of course, she persisted. Mafumafu chuckled awkwardly and put the food bags on top of his own.

Then Mafu's mother turned to Soraru. She quickly pulled him into a hug, one he was too surprised about and didn't hug back as soon as she did. He stood there, awkwardly, as she whispered something in his ear.

"Your family...will they accept this?" She asked, carefully.

Soraru blinked and instantly grimaced, "I...I'm not sure..."

The brunette gave an all knowing smile and tightened her hug, "You're welcome back here anytime. You're family now, Soraru-kun~"

The bluenette blinked and smiled somberly, slowly returning the hug just as tight, "...thank you."

Mafumafu's mother chuckled and patted his back once they parted, "Alright! Have a safe flight, you two!"

The duo waved and got into the cab. The drive to the airport was quiet, consisting of Mafumafu and Soraru just enjoying each other's company, sharing kisses here and there, not giving a care about who saw. Eventually, they arrived at the airport. They boarded their plane quickly after getting past security. They flopped down in their cramped seats but they didn't mind. Soraru intertwined his hand with Mafu's, yet again ignoring the looks of distaste and whispers of gossip. The albino rested his head on the bluenette's shoulder and sighed softly, eyes soon closing.

Soraru heard his boyfriend's breathing steady and he knew he was asleep for sure, leaving the senior with his own thoughts. He tried to think of anything else but his parents, yet it just wasn't working. How would they react? Would they be just like Mafu's mom? That would be one hell of a surprise to him... Maybe they wouldn't care at all, maybe they'll be like how they've always been his whole life, letting him do his own thing. He shook his head, feeling like that wouldn't be the case this time...

With this in mind, the 3-hour flight felt like the 45-hour train ride. His mind racketed the whole time, keeping him awake and unable to fall asleep. Eventually, the plane did land. Him and Mafu unloaded, both of them feeling incredibly lethargic from the amount of sitting (and Mafumafu sleeping). Soon, they found themselves out of the airport, onto a cab, and in front of Soraru's house. It wasn't as grand as Mafumafu's, considering his parents weren't huge musicians or famous people. No, they were just normal office workers people. Soraru can still recall the day his father lost all hope in him when he decided to go to music school instead of a regular college.

He frowned at the bitter memories he had with his old man. When he was a child, they had a good relationship. It all started to crumble when Soraru entered high school, music soon consuming his life. He slowly stopped focusing on his studies and more on songs and instruments. He and his father continuously got into arguments over the years. Slowly but surely, the strong father-son bond they had withered away. Sighing softly, he rang the doorbell.

The door opened slowly, calmly, much different from how Mafu's mother had opened. Standing there was an average sized woman with indigo blue hair tied back in a tight bun. She had a mole right below her full lips, which curled up into a smile upon seeing Soraru.

Zen Zen Zense ✧ SoraMafu (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now