Chapter 8

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Mary Ellen's Point Of View

The next morning, I wake up with warmth surrounding me. When I stretch my hand hits something, I feel around and realize it's a face.

"AHHHH!" I scream and fall off the bed. I get up and see that it's just Hunter. "Oh, hey, it's just you." I try to play it off, but he bursts out laughing.

"Oh, shut up," I say to him. When he doesn't stop laughing, I go to my dresser and get my clothes. I go into the bathroom to do my daily routine. When I get out of the bathroom, I see Hunter, showered, dressed, and ready to go. I walk over to my dresser to get the ring my dad gave me, he said it was my mother's. As I am getting my shoes on Momo runs in wearing a tutu.

"Mary Beary! Look! I'm a ballewina!" She exclaims. I smile as I watch her twirl around my room.

"Come on Miss ballerina, time for breakfast." As we enter the kitchen I see Logan making a bowl of cereal. After I make Momo and myself breakfast, we all head out to the car. I text Xavier telling him that I don't need a ride today.

We arrive at school after dropping Morgan off at preschool. When we get out of the car, Logan immediately wanders off to go find Abby. I see Xavier talking to a bunch of guys from the football team, Hunter and I start walking over there. When we get there a few guys say hi to me but mostly they start talking to Hunter.

"Hunter, dude, coach is pissed that you have been missing practice." One guy says.

"Yea, I know. I will be at practice today." He responds to them.

"Mary, are you going to watch us practice today?" Xavier asks me.

"Yea sure, I'm gonna get Momo first though," I respond. They all look confused, except for Hunter, Logan, and Xavier.

"Who is Momo?" The same guy as before asks. Since it's not my place to tell them that Hunter and Logan have a little sister, I just say that it's a girl I babysit. They nod in understanding before the first bell rings.

"Bye guys see you later," I call out to them as I head to my locker.

I walk into the lunchroom and head to our normal table. Hunter is there waiting for me.

"Hey, I have a question." He says. He seems nervous.

"Ok? What is it?"

"Doyouwannagoonadate?" He rushes out.

"I am sorry, what? I couldn't understand you."

"Do you, maybe, wanna go on a date?" He slows down. I smile at the thought.

"I would love to," I say. He visibly relaxes and lets out a sigh of relief. I sit next to him as the cafeteria fills up with students. Xavier walks over and looks jealous.

"Why are you two smiling so weirdly?" He asks.

"Because she said yes! She is going to let me take her out on a date!" Hunter boasts to Xavier.

"She did?" Xavier seems disappointed. I stay quiet and continue eating my salad. Xavier plops down in his seat and starts to eat his lunch. I see Logan and Abby walking over, they are laughing and holding hands.

"Hey guys," Abby says once she has calmed down. Abby and I talk all throughout lunch, while the boys talk amongst themselves.

"What is going on between Hunter and Xavier?" She whispers to me.

"Xavier is jealous, about the fact that Hunter is my soulmate," I whisper back. She nods in understanding. I look over at them and start to feel bad that I am causing tension in their friendship. 

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