Chapter 15

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Mary Ellen's Point of View

My dad walks in the next day looking disheveled. He rushes to my bed and hugs me. We hug for a while before I pull away.

"Dad," I say wiping a tear away, "I want you to meet Hunter. He is my soulmate." Dad's gaze shifts over to Hunter.

"Hello sir, before you say anything I just want you to know that I love you daughter more than anything and I would die for her." Hunter looks slightly scared. I squeeze his hand, reassuring him. My dad laughs.

"I know you will treat her right if you didn't Xavier would kill you." My dad says. I smile up at my dad.

"Are you alright?" My dad refocuses his attention on me.

"Yes Dad, I'm fine. I had to go into surgery, but I will be fine. As long as I rest, I will be good." I tell him. He sighs in relief. Hunter tightens his arms around my waist as a different doctor walks in.

"Hi, my name is Doctor Jones. I will be taking over Miss Greene, for Doctor Johnson." The new doctor says. He is cute, tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. While he is checking over my vitals Abby walks in.

"OOOhhh who is the cute guy?" She says shamelessly. I laugh as Doctor Jones blushes slightly. Hunter pulls me closer, Logan does the same to Abby.

"That would be my new doctor," I say. Dr. Jones continues to check me over, he smiles and leaves when he finishes.

"Why would you call him cute?" Logan asks Abby.

"Because he was!" She said, "C'mon Mary Ellen, back me up here."

"She isn't wrong, he was pretty cute," I say. Hunter grunts and pulls me impossibly closer.

"Take it back," he whispers in my ear.

"Never," I whisper back.

"Fine, no kisses for you." I laugh when he says that.

"Ok, but we both know I have more willpower and will be able to resist you longer," I say smirking. He pouts, knowing I'm right. I look away, knowing that I won this one. I see Xavier looking at Hunter and me longingly. I smile at him and wave him over. He walks over.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I put you in the hospital and you ask me what's wrong," he chuckles. I nod, smiling wider.

"Yes, so tell me," I say.

"I want what you have." He says motioning towards Hunter and I. I look down sadly.

"You will find a girl."

"Not my soulmate. I don't have a Soulmate, I will never have a soulmate." He says sadly.

"You may not have a soulmate, but you can still fall in love," Hunter tells him.

"But I can never be happy like you can."

"My happiness does not rely on Hunter. My happiness does not rely on any one person. You being happy with someone you are in love with, will be no different than Hunter and my happiness. So don't you for a second say that you won't be happy like us. It's the same happiness." I tell him. He nods, not wanting to argue.

Logan is sitting on a chair with Abby on his lap, she is trying to make him stop pouting. She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers something in his ear. He immediately tenses and wraps his arms around her waist, she leans back slightly and smiles. I smile at them, then snuggle into Hunter's chest. Hunter wraps his arms around my waists. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear feet running into the room.

"Hunty! Mary Beary!" Momo says, I keep my head against Hunter's chest and listen to them speak.

"Morgan, you have to whisper, Mary Beary is asleep." He whispers to her.

"Sorry, Hunty." She whispers back.

"It's ok sweetie."

"Is she ok?" She asks.

"She will be. We both will be." Hunter says. I don't hear them say anything else, but I hear shuffling. Then there is a weight on the bed next to me. I feel tiny arms wrap around me. Momo has snuggled into my back. I twist around and wrap my arms around her little body.

After a few minutes, her breathing evens out; she fell asleep. I hear shuffling and my dad saying that he is going to go home and shower.

"We are gonna go to the cafeteria," I hear Logan say before they shuffle out.

"Are you not going with them?" Hunter asks.

"No, I need to talk to you," Xavier replies.

"What about?"

"Well, it's more like I talk and you listen."


"I just wanted to tell you: if I ever see her cry because of something you did or said or whatever, I will kill you. I have loved her since we were kids."

"I know. I love her too. I love her more than I ever thought was possible."

"I know you, Hunter. I know how you used to be."

"Exactly. How I "used to be." As in not anymore."

"People can change, but not that quickly."

"I love her. Nothing will change that. I know how I used to be, but I am not him anymore. I will always protect her, whether it be from physical pain or emotional. You will never have to worry about her," Hunter says loudly. Momo wakes up from the noise, I pretend to wake up, as well.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Your dad went to take a shower and get some rest. And Logan and Abby went to eat," Xavier explains to me, while Hunter glares at him.

"Are you ok sweetie?" I ask Hunter.

"I'm fine baby girl," He says.

"Ok, You're lying, but ok," I say, turning away from him.

"Babe, it was just something he said to me," he says.

"You mean when he threatened you?" They look at each other, shocked.

"You were awake?" Xavier asks.

"Yup," I say, smiling brightly.

"So you heard everything?" Hunter asks. I simply nod.

"I love you guys too," I say. Hunter smiles brightly while Xavier smiles sadly, looking at the floor.

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