Chapter 12

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Hunter's Point of View

"Hey Hunty," Mary? "It's me, Mary Beary." She sniffles, I can tell she has been crying. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I wanted to let you know that even though we haven't known we are soulmates for long, I love you. I love you so much. Please be ok, you can't die on me. I need you. Please." I lay there not moving while I feel her cry onto my hand. I try to move my fingers, but I can't, I try to move anything, but nothing will move. I start to panic, not knowing why I can't move. I hear the constant beeping noise quicken. Mary's head shot up, she looked worried as the doctors rushed in. The push her back as they try to figure out what's wrong with me. They make her leave the room, but my heart rate only gets faster. I need Mary beside me! I need her. Why won't they let her in? I feel my fingers start tingling. I try to wake up. But all I get is some movement in my fingers.

"He moved his fingers!" I hear a nurse say. I keep trying, moving anything I can.

"I think he is trying to wake up." The same nurse said. I hear them back away slightly when she says this. I keep trying to wake up. Gotta get back to Mary. Gotta get back to Mary. I chant in my head. She loves me, I gotta get back to her. I can feel random parts of my body tingling. But I still can't wake up. Mary needs me. Don't give up. I keep telling myself. I can't let her down, not now, not when I've finally gotten her trust. I feel Mary's soft hands grab one of my own. I hadn't even heard her come in.

"Come on Hunter. You can do it. Please come back to me. I love you, Hunter." She tries stifles a sob, but it comes out anyway. "Come back to me Hunter. Please, I need you." She is crying, her tears landing all over me. I try again, not wanting to give up. I start to get tingles all over my body. I push even harder, and soon I feel my eyes start to open. I hear many gasps throughout the room. Then the doctors push her back to try and check on me. I reach out for her, trying to get up and go to her, but the doctor pushes me back down.

"Sir you need to rest." He says to me. I see her body start to relax, she starts to sway on her feet.

"Mary," I try to say, "Mary," I say it louder. I watch as she collapses into a pile on the floor. A few of the nurses turn around, they rush towards her. "Help her, please lord help her," I say as the doctor continues to work on me. I can feel tears streaming down my face.

I can't lose her, I just got her. I love her, she can't leave me. The nurses call another doctor in, he checks her vitals, then says something to the nurse that I can't hear. A nurse brings in a gurney.

"Where are you taking her?" I ask them.

"To surgery, we have to check to see what is wrong, no one did it at the site of the crash." He says. I watch as he wheels away from the women I love.

I sit there alone, waiting for news on Mary. Soon Logan and Abby came in.

"Where is Mary Ellen?" Abby asked.

"S-she fainted. They took her to surgery" I stutter out. Abby's face falls. Logan walks over to me and sets his hand on my shoulder.

"She will be ok, she is a strong girl." He says to me.

"No one checked her out at the crash site. They couldn't, she was trying to get to me. It's my fault." I say pathetically.

"It's not your fault, Hunter. You can't think like that." Abby assures me. I nod but still don't believe her. They sit there with me waiting for news on Mary.

"Where is Morgan?" I ask.

"With Abby's parents," Logan responds. That is the extent of our conversation while we wait.

We wait for hours for news on Mary. At one point, Abby's parents drop off Morgan. I sit there in silence while Logan and Abby play with her. I lay there, wondering if I will ever see Mary, my Mary, again.

A few hours later, Mary is wheeled in on a hospital bed by a nurse. She positions the bed as close to mine as she can, and starts hooking Mary up to machines. I watch as she checks Mary's vitals.

"Is she okay? What happened?" I ask the nurse.

"She is stable for now. No one checked her to make sure she was alright at the crash site. She didn't feel any of the pain because of all the adrenaline pumping through her system. So when she saw you wake up the adrenaline wore off and she collapsed."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She has a pretty bad concussion from hitting her head against the window. And she broke one rib, but the rib punctured her lungs, we will need to keep her here for a while to watch her." She walks out of the room after saying that.

Abby starts crying harder onto Logan's shirt. I just look at Mary and try to reach out to grab her hand, but we are too far away from each other. I get out of the bed and crawl into hers. A beeping sound goes off and a few nurses rush in with a doctor. They sigh in relief when they see me in her bed.

"You unhooked yourself from the heart monitor off didn't you?" a kind nurse says. I simply nod. The doctor leaves and the nurses walk over and bring the machines that were hooked up to me closer to Mary's bed and re-hook me up. I lay there next to Mary gently talking to her.

"Hey sweetie, you have to be ok. You know that right? You aren't allowed to die." I whisper to her. She lays there, immobile. I fall asleep holding her. 

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