Chapter 14

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Xavier's Point of View

I could have killed them. I could have killed her. Why did I have to be so angry? Why did I have to hit them? I should have gotten injured not him. I should be the one in the hospital. I should be the one dying. I should just kill myself. I'm never going to have the fulfillment that a soulmate brings. No one that will love me for the rest of my life. I will never have what Mary Ellen has. I sit in my bedroom, thinking about everything, having a pity party. I know I should be focused on making sure that Hunter and Mary Ellen are alright, but instead I just sit here. I sit on my bed knowing that this world would be better off if I wasn't in it. I slowly get up and walk towards the bathroom. I get out my razor and break it apart, taking one of the blades off. I stare at it, wondering who would miss me. Would anyone even notice? No one cares about you. No one loves you. Mary Ellen doesn't want you. People only pretend to like you. You are nothing. My brain keeps telling me things, things that no one should hear. Things that no one should think. But no matter how much I fight it, it's there screaming at me in my own head. I look at the blade as tears gather in my eyes. I press the cold metal of the blade onto my wrist. I cry harder as the blade drags across my skin. I sit there cutting all over my wrists.

Suddenly the door bursts open, my head swings up to look at the door. Logan sees me there, with the blade pressed against my skin. He looks around confused until he realizes what is happening and lunges for the blade. I scream as he takes it from me.

"Why are you doing this?" He yells at me. "Why are you hurting yourself?"

"It's the only pain I can control," I say bitterly, wanting him to give me my blade back and leave. I sit there staring blankly at the wall.

"Tell me what's wrong," he demands, a hard edge to his voice.

"Nothing." I say sharply, "Leave."

"No, you don't get to push me away. You have me and you have Mary Ellen. What do you think she would say if she was the one walking in on you? What do you think she would do if you died?"

"Rejoice?" I say. He looks disappointed.

"No, she would probably want to kill herself. That's how much she loves you. She may not love you the way you want her to, but she does love you." He tells me. I just sit there, silently crying. I slowly stand up and walk over to the sink.

"Can you help me bandage it?" I ask him. He nods and walks over to me. He helps me clean and bandages the cuts. We stay the silent the whole time.

"Come on, we are going to visit Hunter," Logan tells me.

We enter his hospital room and see Hunter and Mary Ellen laughing on a hospital bed. I look around, trying to avoid looking at them and notice that there are two beds in the room. One of them, they are laying on. And the other is messed up and looks recently laid in.

"Hey, Xavier," Hunter says to me.

"Hey," I say quietly, "I am so sorry. I never meant for this to happen."

"What?" He asks confused, looking at Mary Ellen for help.

"He was the one that crashed into us." She says. He nods and looks upset.

"I never meant for you to get hurt, I am so sorry," I say again.

"I don't care that I'm hurt, I care that Mary is hurt." I can feel the color drain from my face when he says that.

"What? She seemed fine at the crash site, and then in the waiting room." I say.

"I was on an adrenaline high. I have a concussion and a broken rib. I will live." Mary Ellen tells me. I sigh in relief, that isn't too bad.

"Yea, but the broken rib, punctured your lung," Hunter says.

"Everything is fine, the surgery went great." She assures us. Hunter hugs her tight.

"You better be okay." Logan says to her, "because if you're not, then I will have to break up fights between these two idiots every day." Mary Ellen smiles awkwardly.

"Anyway," I say, "whose bed is that?" I point to the other bed in the room.

"Mine," Hunter says, "I just wanted to be closer to Mary." They smile softly at each other. He then leans down and kisses her forehead.

"Hey, Xavier? Could you call my dad for me?" Mary Ellen asks me. I nod in response and go to the hallway to call her dad.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey Mr. Greene, it's Xavier."

"Hi Xavier, how are you?"

"Um... not so good. I was in a car crash, and well ya see..."

"Is Mary Ellen hurt? What happened?" He asks frantically.

"She is in the hospital. She has a concussion and a broken rib, but she should be fine." I tell him.

"I am catching the next plane back. I will be there as soon as possible." He tells me and hangs up. I walk back in the room to tell her what he said. She nods.

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