Welcome Back

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I think we should all know the drill by now, but welcome back to yet another book in the Rant Time series!

For the oldies who have been with me for awhile, nice to see you've come back! This going to get wild and nitty gritty, I can already feel it. Are you ready? This might get crazy. You know how it goes.

For the newbies, I feel the need for a second warning. I'm crazy. And not in that "haha, she's a fun girl" crazy. I'm talking more like "she needs a mental hospital" crazy. I talk a lot about depression, suicide, mental depression, and overall dark themes. I have an awfully dark sense of "humor" and can lack emotion sometimes.

I'm also. . .overly mature. There's talk of masturbation, vibrators, drinking, sex, and lots of vulgar language and unapologetic obscenities. I'm gay and there's mentions of anything related to lesbians, of course.

Think of this as the first day of school; you've been through it all before, but you have no idea what to expect this time around. It might be difficult and painful, but that's the way it goes.

Read at your own risk. I'm serious.

If you're ready for this ride, let's get to it! Here's to another great year and another great book!
Sierra ⚡️

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