"My Religion..."|Rant Time

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I do not care if you have a religion. I do not care if you practice said religion on your own time. I don't like religions, because they do more harm than good, but I digress. You wanna do it, that's fine.

But there is just one problem. If you use "my religion" as an excuse to be shitty or an asshole to people, you are just a dick and I hope you don't die and go to hell or whatever the bad afterlife is, because you probably should.

I speak from experience. My family is shitty and they constantly use "but my religion!" as an excuse for doing or saying shitty things to people. I have two great uncles, one of whom I haven't heard from in a year, and I refuse to go back to his house because last time I did, he was saying extremely transphobic things about his grandchild and calling them a "piece of shit." Yes, a grown ass man telling a child they look like shit. Why? "Because religion!"

On another note, he also claimed it's because he's "old school." If it's not religion, it's old school bullshit. I understand it difficult to get with the times, and if you wanna be stuck in 1965, go ahead, but don't impose that shit on others. We're a little more ahead of you, old man.

Anyway, yes, my family does use the good ol' religion excuse every fucking time. Homophobic? Transphobic? Against tattoos? "But my religion says so!"

Good for you. I'm happy you've found your vice that keeps you safe, but it's not helpful if it's hurting others. Don't get pissed off at me for having a tattoo. Or for being gay. Or for loving transgender people and supporting them. Or supporting abortion. Or just breathing in general. Because that's not my goddamn religion.

It's a real problem when they impose these beliefs on others and spread it around, because it does hurt people. Homophobia kills people. When you act upon your homophobia, it gets people killed, gets them put on the street. Stopping a woman getting an abortion could ruin her life or even kill her, because you don't know why she's doing it.

Stop using religion as an excuse to be an asshole. Your life is not anyone else's life. I can't get pregnant, but if I did, abortion is there. As a gay female, I really don't appreciate when homophobic comments, because it could really get me in serious trouble. I have a tattoo (small but visible), and I'd prefer it if people would just mind their own shit and not worry about "religion said!"

This is my favorite part.

Religions, such as Christianity, are always complaining that people hate them or they're bad people. Here's an idea: maybe if you didn't give your religion such a bad reputation, you wouldn't be hated as much. The reason people hate it, is not because of the religion existing on its own, it's because of the values it instilled in people and the way those people act due to it.

You are not oppressed because you're a Christian or a Catholic or whatever. You're a dick and that's as far as it goes. Every time you say "it's bad cause my religion said so," you're giving your religion a bad name and it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.

So if people hate you, it's probably your fault. Don't start with that "but it's not all of (insert religion here)!" For the most part, it is. You saying you're not affiliated with the hate your religion puts out does nothing. You may have better morals, but if you're not doing anything to combat it, you're just as bad. Don't take responsibility for shitty people. Stand up to them instead. Because I'm really tired of these excuses.

You cannot act in a bad way and expect people to not call your religion and beliefs fucking stupid. I don't want to hate people for their religion, and I don't, unless they use it as an excuse to be a bad person. Then I can't deal, and I will let them go. I'm not putting myself in harm's way for that shit.

So to those of you who do these things, if people leave you or don't want to be around you, it's probably your fault. Don't say or do things in the name of religion and get upset when people leave you for it.

"Religion" is not an acceptable reason. Because there are many religions, such as Pagan and Wicca, that you never hear about in the media or getting hate for. It's not because they're smaller, it's because they've never done anything wrong and don't have these beliefs that hurt people.

I'm probably never going to speak to my extended family again because of the things they said and they used their religion as an excuse. They will die and I certainly hope the rest of the family can forgive them, because I can't.

Save yourself and stop making up all types of reasons to be an asshole. Because if you die alone, I feel like that's a choice you made.

If you still hang onto your harmful beliefs and impose them on others, I cannot help you. I've warned you. You made your choice. And you'll probably have to die with it.

That's the truth.


Sierra ⚡️

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