I'M 17! 🎉

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It's official. I'm 17 years old today! I made it 17 fucking years in this world and I'm still going. This calls for a celebration. I'm going out with a couple of the coworkers tonight for dinner, drinks, and a nice (gay pride) cake that I custom ordered. It's only going to be four of us, but I can tell you that's all I need.

I feel a little old. I say that every year, but it actually hit me now. Today is my 17th birthday and it kind of threw me off because it hit me so quick, but you know what? Bring it on. I'm ready to be 17. That's just one year more of being a minor, a child. Then it's like. . .I'm on my own. I'll be an adult. This is it. This is the final year. There's no more time for anything.

I'm going to miss hearing people say "she's 16" and "you are 16 years old." I've become so accustomed to hearing that and being so proud of being 16 that's it's gonna take some time to adjust to being 17.

Well, I made it another year. I'm 17 goddamn years old and happy. I've made changes to my life. I got my braces taken off, I cut off my hair, I dyed it 50 million colors. I'm changing so much.

My girlfriend sent me a very long happy birthday message earlier. I don't think she realizes how much she means to me. I was barely 16 when I met her, exactly a year ago. It's amazing how things have changed.

I made it a whole year without crumbling to pieces. Here's to another year gone. So here's hoping for another and many more. Well. . .let's just stick with another for now. 🥂

Happy seventeen to me!
Sierra ⚡️

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