Happy Pride

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Today is Pride Day here in Houston, Texas. I am not going this year, but I want to wish everyone--my lesbian sisters, my gay brothers, my bisexual siblings, my transgender friends, every LGBT person on this earth, and our allies--a safe, happy Pride.

To everyone who questions why we still need Pride: look up "Pulse massacre" and tell me what you see. This is what we fight against. We fight against homophobia, we fight against oppression, and we fight against hate that has caused us to lose some beautiful people.

Today we all fight for those who can't fight. Fight for those who have to stay silent. Fight for those who live in a world of oppression. Fight for those who cannot fight because they are no longer here because of homophobia/transphobia and hate crimes. We are here to fight for them, and fight for the rights they deserved.

Never question why we have Pride. Question why it was ever needed in the first place.

Keep on fighting. Keep on marching. Keep on being proud.

Let's do this.

Happy Pride. Love you all. 🌈


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Sierra ⚡️

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