I Got a Haircut!|Rave Time

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-Pictures at the end-
Started off the new year with a new haircut. I had beautiful long hair, but sadly, it got so thick and hard to maintain. The ends were dead and it was so thick that it made me sweat. Brushing through it was hell, my shampoo and conditioner are very expensive and I was using so much, and it took forever to blow dry. It has a mind of its own and would not keep still.

So I decided to have the majority cut off. Ten inches, to be exact.

Before I cut it, my hair went to my mid back. That's very long for me. I sat down in the salon chair and told the stylist who usually only dyes my hair to just cut it all of. I pointed to right below my chin/above my shoulder. She just grabbed the scissors and cut through it all. All of a sudden I saw her holding a glob of purple fuzz. My hair. She threw it away. I couldn't donate it because I bleached and dyed it.

I looked so different from the second she cut it off. I asked her how much was cut. Ten full inches. She took a swatch of it and kept it for herself to show clients as a sample if they wanted a hair color like that.

I can tell you that my whole head felt ten pounds lighter. I went to work right after and my coworkers squealed (okay, TiTi laughed, but I'll excuse her). I no longer have to deal with knotted ponytails and brushes getting stuck. No more waking up in sweat because my hair fell out of my tie.

I honestly thought my mom would flip her shit because she didn't want it too short, but she likes it. The kids can't grab it to let me like a dog anymore and it stays in one place. I seriously do not miss the long hair. I do not miss spending a fortune on shampoos and conditioner and being charged extra for long hair. I do not miss spending four hours in the salon every six weeks because of all the dye.

Of course it's gonna grow quickly, but I will continue to trim it so it can't get out of control. I might let it grow a couple more inches and always trim it so it can be that length forever.

After it was cut and dried

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After it was cut and dried.

After washing and blow drying it

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After washing and blow drying it.

Ahh, I love this hair.
(Getting my braces off next month, by the way.)
Sierra ⚡️

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