Just a Thought|Misc.

16 1 0

You know when those homophobic pieces of shit says something idiotic like,
"Gays should not adopt or have children! Ew!"

You know what you should say back?
"Well, maybe heterosexuals should stop having children so there's no chance of them being gay and having their own children! Or, you know, heterosexuals should just not have any children so that way there are none for us to adopt in the future. Or is that too hard, you fucking imbecile."

Seriously. Homophobic people aren't aware that, by reproducing, they're increasing the chances of the LGBT community growing larger. They're literally creating gay people.

If you don't want your child to be gay, you don't want gays to adopt, and/or don't want your child to be adopted by gay people, here's a solution: don't fucking have kids.

I just fixed every life issue for you in 30 seconds.

Sierra ⚡️

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