Happy 2018!

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Well, here we are! This is it. 2017 has come to a delightful close and 2018 is here! I'm so happy to say that, for once, a year was kind to me. 2017 has been my best year so far. It was damn near perfect. Everything that happened this year was amazing.

I have my girlfriend, I got to see amazing new places and things, I went on my very first cruise and visited Canada, I got a job, I made a friend.

Of course, just like everyone's year everywhere, my year was not perfect. I never expect it to be, but when I tell you I'm very lucky this time around, I mean it wholeheartedly. I had some rough patches along the way, but that comes with living. I made the best of the rest I had, and it paid off.

This is the first time that I'm sad for a year to end. Hopefully it rolls over onto next year, but anything goes. I never know what to expect after that crystal ball drops and the confetti flies in the air. What I've learned after many failed years is, anything can happen and sometimes we have no control. It just takes awhile for us to grasp that concept.

I'm so sad to see 2017 go, but I'm moving on now.

Whatever happens in 2018, I will have to take it. I hope 2018 is every bit as great as 2017. I hope yours is, too. However you ring in the New Year, I hope you make it count!

All the best for 2018! Happy New Year! 🎉🎊
Sierra ⚡️

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