Chapter Five: Blood Suckers Galore

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GAHHH! True Blood was AWESOME! (squeal) 

(coughs) Now I'm done. Okay. Speaking of vampires, during this story we'll be seeing vampires that do not sparkle or twinkle or anything else like that. My vampires aren't big on romance. 


Chapter Five:

Blood Suckers Galore 

You think that wondering about the murders would bring up something useful, but Daisy and Unicorn boy got so bored that they went sun bathing. Well, actually Daisy went sun bathing and like a little boy with his first crush, he followed her while Drake stayed with me on my shoulder, braiding and unbraiding my hair to keep all the fear at bay or the panic that kept resurfacing as I thought.

I opened the gate to get to my house when I heard something. Stars began spilling into the black sky as I looked up, wondering what else could happen.

“Oooh, ah...hmmm...”

“Do you hear that?” I asked Drake as I opened the gate before slowly closing it. I followed the noises and realized it came from the side of the house where there weren’t any porch lights, so it was kind of dark.

“Hmm, Hanuel...Hanuel!” I followed the noises until I saw two familiar figures as Drake flew off my shoulder.

Kill me now, oh merciful God.

There, in the shadows, my big brother had pressed Annie into wall of the house with her skirt hoisted up with Hanuel pressed against her and his mouth on her neck. His hands were...

“HANUEL!” I yelped as I spun around.

Annie screamed while Hanuel cursed. “Matty, what the hell are you doing home?” Hanuel cursed as I heard a zipper. My cheeks flushed, wishing that the earth would swallow me whole.

“Food, dinner,” I said quickly. “What’s wrong with the bedroom?”

“Shut up, Matty. I was trying to be romantic,” he said as I heard more clothes being moved around, “you know, under the stars-”

“Can we not talk about you trying to be romantic? I don’t call trying to screw your girlfriend behind our house romantic.” I told him as Drake choked on his laughter.

“MATTY!” Hanuel yelled as I decided against going in the house and ran back onto the boardwalk. The blush that I had been suppressing finally snuck up onto my cheeks as I stood there, dumbly.

I felt an odd warmth pressed against my back as I looked up to see Drake in his human form. “Something wrong, little prince? You seem very flustered.”

Stupid faeries.

“Drake, finding my brother having sex with a girl is a bit unnerving.”

Drake tilted his head slightly. “Why? Is sex really that...disgusting to humans?”

“It’s not as open as faeries think of it as.” I sort of wondered if Drake ever had sex at a public place in Fae...Oh gross, never mind that! Ahh, I’m going mentally blind at the image!

“When I married my wife, I made love to her in front of everyone to let others know that she was mine and I was hers and hers alone.” Drake told me. “There was a certain amount of thrill to it.”

Great, Drake not only has a hair fetish, but also has a fetish for doing it in public places? ARGH! I don’t need to know this. I don’t need to know this. I don’t need to freaking know this! I’m mentally scarred for the rest of my life because of that image.

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