Preview: Red Roses

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Here's a preview to "Red Roses" 


The reddest of roses

with the sharpest of thorns 

bring out the worst of monsters 

to woe young lovers 

into the darkest of nights

but no knight

will save us tonight 

It's hard to forget about the party below in the Lunae Lux court, but Drake did as he walked up the white marble steps in long, quick strides that took him up the stairs to find the Queen standing near a pillar with her hands folded at her chest. 

"My queen," he said as he got on his knees and bowed his head. He felt her soft hands on his head. It felt so strange now since he could remember those same hands being small and chubby, wrapping around his neck while he rocked her to sleep. No other maid could lure her to sleep like he could, but now she was an adult; a queen. 

"Ser Drake, please, please look at me," she asked him as he did and saw her eyes turn glassy. 

"My lady?" 

"The situation has changed." 


"John Martin, accused of being the Red Winged Murderer, went to court today to start the trial." I nearly jumped three feet in the air when I heard that from the TV that now hung in the little coffee shop. 

"Hey, turn it up!" Someone said as the person at the register went over to turn up the volume where a blonde lady talked with a picture of John next to her.

"All the families of the murdered victims showed up at the hearing today. Most of them brought enlarged photos of their girls before they died." I saw Marie's face blown up next to John's face. It was sort of nice seeing her smiling and alive. Not like in my nightmares where I saw her dead with her broken body sprouting crimson wings from her back and her eyes looking up at me like this was all my fault. "John Martin was found with Marie's locket when an anonymous caller called 9-1-1 where the ambulance found him with a stabbed wound in his stomach. He stated that he was trying to get another young woman, but she fought back. Police are still trying to figure out who that mysterious, brave woman is who brought this man to justice." The picture changed to footage of John being in court with his perfect smile on his face that lured everyone around him. "His defense attorney is trying to plead to insanity to avoid the death penalty. It looks like it might work seeing as how he's talking about fairies…" 

I'm going to be sick. I looked around for a restroom, but couldn't find anything for the moment as I slumped in my seat. 


Daisy got off the bed and picked up a rather small looking box that barely looked bigger than her. The gift was wrapped in a brown paper with a card that simply read, "From Yours Truly, Hatter". 

"Who gave you this?" I asked as I looked at the box through my scarred eye. Nothing. No faerie magic, or curse, but how many people in the world were named Hatter? 

"A rather strange faerie," she stated, "she…or well, maybe he. I'm not sure." 

"What do you mean you could tell?" I asked as I took the box and analyzed it. Ever since this business of the human prince, I've been getting a lot of gifts from faeries and I've never used anyone of them. 

"The Hatter is a rather odd faerie," Drake explained, "he's the official executioner of Faerie." 


"Things have changed, Matty." He whispered. He gave out a half choked laugh and snort before smiling at me in his usual, I know everything smile that used to bug the hell out of me, but I felt relieved when I saw it. "If only I had been human…then maybe I wouldn't have been so stupid." 

Okay, something seriously is wrong. Drake doesn't admit when he's wrong nor does he use humans terms like stupid well because he usually uses an older version of the word like cretin or fool; something like that, but a mixture of these two things made me very nervous. 

"Stupid about what?" I asked him as he touched the side of my face again and leaned in close to me. 

He leaned in close to my ear before he whispered, "I love you." 


 Why wasn't that damn vampire dying? I thought vampires die when they're burning alive, what the hell is this thing? 

"Erasmus!" I screamed, running after him in the snow. 


I've never met anyone so beautiful. Or at least, someone that beautiful who was human. 

"My name is Rose," she said, smiling. 

"Holy shit, you look like Snow White!" 


"Grim reapers?" Cooper asked. 

"Yeah, they're faeries, but not really. John had a few of them following him since he killed girls in such a gruesome way, right?" I asked Daisy and Erasmus, who both nodded. 


"It's good to see you again, Matty." John stepped from behind the fish tank and looked at me with a gun in his hand. Great, he's had an upgrade since I last saw him. "But I'm surprised to see your little knight isn't by your side." 


"Ser Drake is going to be executed in the morning." 


"Back down now, I am the Human Prince! And I won't hesitate in chopping off your head!" 

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