Chapter Sixteen: The Awkward, Almost Kiss

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Yup finally updated. I'm glad everyone likes the story so much! 


Chapter Sixteen: 

The Awkward Almsot Kiss

The guy looked like a walking wolf with bits of human in him, but that didn't really help me a lot as he lunge out. I moved out of the way and thought how I should've probably taken Dexter offer to walking me home and that I shouldn't have made a short cut before I grabbed my dagger out of my pocket as I pulled it out and pounced, but he caught me by the throat, let me dangle as his claws bit into the skin.

"Bet you didn't think we'd find out, did you?" He hissed in my ear. "I'm going to rip you apart."

I smirked; I don't know why, I'm just found this funny. That, or it was just the lack of oxygen that was getting into my head.

"You're not the first to tell me that." I kicked him in the chest and fell on my back and butt as he made an oooffffff sound when he hit against a brick wall.

I ran. I heard a strange buzzing sound behind me.  Is he...oh yeah, by the sound of nails scrapping against the concrete, he transformed into a full wolf. 

Spinning on my heels, I turned around before looking around to see a wolf running after me. Okay, I might as well and face him-

I gasped when I ran into something and it yanked me back. It pushed me back into the wall as I fell on my butt.

"You don't need to kill anyone."

I opened my mouth as the werewolf man went for me again with the ache of my burned fingers made my body slouch. I tried to kick him in the face as he screamed before my legs felt weak.

He fell apart. Literally.

I ignored the blood as I saw a dark form lean over me before someone picked me up and cradled me against his chest. I looked up slightly before I asked, "Drake? What are you doing here?" I recognized the smell of dirt and trees.

"Did you honestly believe I'd let you be by yourself when you can barely hold your dagger?" Drake asked as I shook my head. We didn't say anything as he carried me. I'm sort of use to Drake carrying me around at this point so I don't bother with protesting like I should. He walked me back home and slipped into the house through an open window on the first floor, but he stopped and I realized why.

Mom stood in the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Oh, it's you. Thank you for bringing my little girl back." She walked over to me and touch the side of my face the was perfect in her eyes. "She's precious to me. I love you honey," she kissed my forehead. She waved before going up the stairs as Drake shook his head. He waited a few minutes before going up and dropping me on my bed. I stared at him for a moment.

"What are you waiting for?" Drake asked as he sat on my bed, resting his weight on his elbows. "Go to sleep, silly girl. You've had a long, long day." He gave me a smile as I wondered if his cheek was bruising. I got up and got into my pjs before getting back to bed and crawling back into bed.

I rolled over and saw him laying down before he pulled me toward his chest. I curled up next to him before I asked, "Why are you so warm?" He hugged me tighter before he whispered in my ear about something I didn't understand.

My head never felt so heavy. Fighting against sleep seemed hopeless and stupid. His fingers felt warm and soothing as I tried to remember when was the last time I felt this safe.

"Drake..." I mumbled into his chest.


I smelled coffee. The warm scent filled my head, making my eyes flutter as I saw a large hand holding something near my face.

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