Chapter Eleven: The Cult

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WriterActress: I'm always exhausted these days, but here's the next chapter to Orange Roses. 


My eyes snapped open as I sat up. "Mph, Drake?" I got up as I saw a figure in my room that I recognize all too well, but he ignored me and walked toward the door. "Wait, what's wrong? Hey! We need to talk about this!" I yelled as I followed him down the hallway of the house. He walked out of the house and I realized it was raining. He took long quick strides to keep away from me as I tried chasing him down. "Drake, we need to talk! We need to..."

Drake stopped, but he never looked at me. "Matty, go back to bed."

"We need to talk about...stuff." Oh you know, about me thinking you murdered your wife for no reason. I walked over to him and grabbed the back of his shirt. "Please, we need to talk. Don't go. I got so much to say."

"I have some business to take care of," Drake told me as my grip loosened before my hand dropped. His hand slipped into it without looking at me. "I'll be back, I promise. Wait for me."

He let go of my hand and began walking away as I stared at his back. I feel like I'm always looking at his back, never able to grab him and make him look at me like I want him to. Wait for me. Isn't that I'm always doing now? Waiting? I'm waiting for a murderer. I'm waiting for Ari to change his mind. I waited for him when he helped his court recover from their queen's death. How much more can I wait? I want to run.

But even if I run...I'll only fall and get hurt. I stood there, watching him disappear into the darkness. Would he really come back for me?

I shook my head, what am I thinking? I'm acting like I'm his mate or something, waiting for a lover to come home. A blush crept up my face, I really must be drunk or tipsy still to be so emotional.

I rubbed my temples. I still haven't found out anything, but hopefully I'll find somethingout soon. And Ruth will be here too, so I'll probably figure more out. I need to get back on track.

Turning back inside, I crawled back into bed.

Of course, I dreamt. I dreamed a lot about Drake, dancing with those silver threads, dancing in blood, and bodies, but the smile on his face made my whole body relax as I reached out to him. He jerked back and turned around suddenly.

No. Don't! I saw knives and wings made of blood. Beautiful silver links chained together to form a beautiful necklace that hung a thin cross on it. I ran after Drake's retreating back into the darkness as a deep voice began chanting, "Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil." I stopped when Drake turned to smile at me again, only this time blood spattered across his face with the dead girl's body laying in front of him in a crumbled mess. "May God Rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, o prince of heavenly host."

Drake's hand reached out for me. "Won't you join me, my prince?"

"By the power of God thrust into Hell Satan and other evil spirits who prowl about the world of ruin souls."

The ground split opened as I scream when long arms grabbed me and began pulling me in while I stared up at Drake's face, finding his freaky pink eyes.


"SHIT!" I yelled as I fell out of bed and a crashing noise of the clock falling off the night table before I looked around to find myself in my room.

"Matty?" Unicorn boy asked as I peeked over to the other side of the bed to see him looking at me with his red eyes. I grabbed the comforters and put them on the bed before he sat on the bed, staring at me.

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