Chapter Fifteen: Nurse

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Hello everyone. Hell week is over for me and now I can work on some writing. 


Chapter Fifteen:


My eyes opened and I saw Drake, holding me. "Oh...hi, Drake, when did you get here?"

"Awhile ago," Aaron said, leaning over me as I realized that I was on the ground, but my legs weren't working well at the moment. "He came just as you left. You just collapsed and I was about to call an ambulance."

Drake had a familiar deep scowl on his face. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to Fae?"

I forced my legs to move as I pushed Drake away from me. His big form was crushing me anyway. Ari said, "I guess you can't get rid of someone you love, right?"

Scrambling to get to my feet, I yelled, "Shut up, Ari! We are no like that!"

Drake tried to follow me as I felt his anger flow out o him. "You fool! How could you leave me behind? You could've gotten killed!"

"You're the one who did the disappearing act!" I yelled back at him as I felt Drake's body stiffen behind me. He suddenly appeared in front of me as I let out a squeak before he grabbed my right wrist. "Drake, that hurts."

A slightly evil smile smoothed out his face, but I'm sure that to the average human it was attractive and nearly seductive with his smooth lips pulling up slightly. "Thank the moon that you didn't get yourself killed. Now why the hell did you go to fae?"

I gasped over dramatically while I put my hand over my mouth. "He cursed! The world is going to come to an end!"

His mouth twitched, which was either a very good thing or a very bad thing. "Be quiet, brat. I was very concerned when I couldn't find you."

I felt tempted to ask where he looked first. Did he think I would sit idly in my room, waiting for him?

"Where the hell were you? I had to deal with the weirdo group of people with sight while you went away." I yelled with my hands on my hips. Did he know how scared I was? How freaked? No, of course not, he never noticed.

Drake looked at the lifeguard stand before he said, "I cannot tell you."

I felt like screaming in frustration. He never tells me anything if I don't rip it out of him. First his wife, the Huli Jing, and now weird disappearing acts. I thought about how he walked away from me last night with his back toward me and me trying to reach out, to grab him, to tell him something important, but no, all I ever saw was him looking away from me. Why was he always asking me to trust him when he never trusted me?

His head jerked to the right when I slapped him.

Ari jumped back as Drake looked at me with his cheek reddening. No response, like I expected. Look me in the eye, Drake. Please, say something.

"Matty!" Daisy squeaked as her wings fluttered against Unicorn boy's skin. Aaron looked between us. "What's wrong? I thought you two worked together."

Drake finally looked at me with his eyes glazed and his bangs falling over his eyes. He looked younger and my hand suddenly hurt while I smelled blood in the air. My skin burned.

"Do you have any idea how much I care about you?" His head jerked 

to look me in the eyes. His eyes widened and his jaw clenched.

"Thanks Aaron for calling!"We all jumped and looked over to find John and the others.

"How was it? I hope you didn't get beat up too much." His eyes looked down at Ari's burnt hands and my singed hair.

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