Chapter Seventeen: Something Sweeter

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Hey guys, I'm not going to make any promises on updates since I'm in a really difficult semester. 


Chapter Seventeen: 

Something Sweeter 

The smell made my stomach clenched, remembering the party that he had a couple nights ago. Boaz sat next to Lita with her legs draped over his as Ari gave out a snort with Dexter sitting in the love seat, reading a book. Aaron and Mira talked to one another in a corner of the room. John walked in with a water bottle in his hand and sweat dripping off his forehead as his shirt clung to his sculpted body.

"Hey, how are you two-" Ari cut in and broke the niceness with his question, "John, what do you want?"

"Not in a good mood, I see," John said as he sat on the sofa and pulled on my arm so I landed on his lap. My nose twitched at the smell of sweat and dirt as he looked at me. "But you shouldn't let this ass bring you down, Matty. You're sixteen today, right?"

"How do you know that?" I asked as John jerked his thumb at Aaron.

"He told me about it," John said, "so, what do you want to do birthday girl?" Maybe its because of the fact that I don't get a lot of male attention, but I wasn't comfortable or remotely aroused by him. I suddenly thought about that weird moment and the kiss on the forehead that Drake gave me.

And I'm sure, I really wanted him to kiss me.

"I'm going to spend the day with those precious to me," I stated with a smile, "that is if I can get out of here. What do you need us for?"

"Well," John grabbed my hand and noticed the new scratch marks that the werewolf gave me, "there's been rumors going around that they're werewolves have been attack you, sweetie."

My lips turned into a smile. Do not call me sweetie. "I'm working with Abe because I don't like the idea of a bunch of random vampires trying to eat my friends and family while I'm not here."

"What do you do for them?" He asked as his hand landed on my hip. I bit the inside of my cheek to not bonk him on the head. What the hell was going on with this guy? He'd never paid this much attention to me before so why now?

"I keep an eye on the werewolves, that's it. I tell them if there in town or near my school. They say it's helpful." I said with a shrug, hoping I looked innocent. "So, what do you want us here for?"

"I'm sure you've heard about the murders."

Everyone looked up at us then while Ari's body tensed.

"And?" I asked as I tried to ignore the image of the dead body in my head.

"We were thinking it was a rogue faerie." He said after moment. "Maybe even the little guardian because the murders only happen when you're back in town. Faeries are very violent and love blood. I'm sure you've heard them cackling about the last murder already."

Ari tilted his head slightly as his body relaxed. "That's an interesting theory."

"That's stupid." I told them as I felt John's hand tensed on my hip and felt Dexter's eye turned to me; did he hate me for contradicting his friend or something? And here I thought we were getting close. "First off, that doesn't make sense because if a faerie really wanted a human they could glamour them and convince them that sex was a great idea, so what would be the point of raping them? Second, faeries like their privacy. If their was some rogue faerie, I think the courts would've had them assassinated-"

"Oh please," Lita hissed.

"Have you been to a faerie court?" I asked her as she narrowed her eyes. "Thought so.Thirdly, I think a faerie would've done better at hiding the body."

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