Chapter Ten: No Faerie Wine

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Finally, I got a break from studying for a month and can update. 


Chapter Ten: 

No Faerie Wine

I fell to my knees, realizing that Drake had held me up for so long before I fell on my cut up hands. “Drake! Drake!” I yelled as I tried to get up, but someone wrapped their arms around me. “Let go of me, you bastard! Or I’ll beat the crap out of you! Now let me go!” I screamed as I felt hysteria bubbling up from my stomach.

“Matty, calm down, it’s me, John!” This didn’t make my body relax at first, so I had to concentrate real hard on it. “Where’d he go?” John asked as I saw a group of people come forward.

“I don’t see anything.” This voice sounded husky and smoky like he had that one too many cigarettes. I looked up to see a tall, lanky boy with shaggy black hair and glasses hiding his eyes. “I guess he vanished.”

“To faerie, you think?” John asked as I wiggled in his grip, but nothing budged.

“Maybe,” he said as I saw Boaz come out from the group. He smiled and waved at me before I saw Aaron glared at me and looked away. I stuck out my tongue at him.

John relaxed then. “Matty, are you okay? Did he do anything to you?”

Oh god, not this crap again! I opened my mouth to argue with them and explain a little not so nicely about how Drake didn’t hurt me, but my mouth stayed closed as I realized that no one trusted me because of Drake and the other faeries. Ari barely trusted me because of them. They’re biased idiots, but that could work in my favor.

I let my legs give out so John would have to hold all of my weight as I thought about what Drake just told me and burst into tears. “N-No, I’m not okay!” I screamed, trying to sound desperate and pathetic. John let me fall with his arms still wrapped around me as I tried to think of a good story to convince them that Drake had hurt me.

“Why’d she get so close to a freaking faerie?” Boaz asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking around him to see if Drake would magically appear. What the hell did they think Drake would do to me? Did they think he’d come out of nowhere with red eyes and pitch forks?

A girl with thick curly brown hair whistled, “Not that I could blame her. Did you see him? He probably had a nice six pack under that shirt. He’d be a perfect sex symbol. How far have you gone with him?”

“Lita, don’t ask stupid questions like that,” John hissed as the girl grinned at me. “It’s rude.”

Why does everyone seem to think that Drake and I screwed around with each other? John kept a good grip on me which unnerved me a little bit as I tried to relax against him to show that I trusted him, but my stomach felt so tight that I thought that I might hurl for a moment. I looked around me to see Aaron, Mira, Lita, Dexter, Boaz, and then John as I counted.

“Is this all of you?” I asked, trying to sound timid.

John helped me to my feet as his arm wrapped around my waist. “No,” he said, “everyone else is at my house. We better get back before my house ends up getting destroyed.” He gave me a smile and laughed.

We walked in the sand with my feet feeling heavy as I followed them. John made sure to keep a good grip on me on my shoulders as we walked with the boy named Dexter who kept staring at me, studying me closely. I wanted to tell him, dude, you aren't going to find anything that I can't see myself so screw off, but against my better judgement I just smiled and looked all cute and adorable along with a twist of innocence. I'm just a cocktail of of purity, aren't I? I stuck my tongue out as him as soon as he looked away before I heard a loud laugh that made John's whole body vibrate. I looked up to see a picture perfect boy, a golden boy. He felt so warm and safe that I could see why people might want to follow him.

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