Chapter 2 [ Trial ]

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The eerie sound of the elevator filled the silence as everyone looked away from one another. 

" I hope this trial is not dramatic as the last one.  Metatton's voice keep killing me with his scream and cries how he want to see Blooky once again. Tsk that is so pathetic " Chara mumble as they look crossed their arms.

" Chara that is not nice to said, he was really upset that has to happen him and beside he didn't have a choi-" " So!" Chara cut off Asriel words as they glare at Asriel with much hatred and annoy.

" He does have a choice. By Not Killing Monster Kid!" Chara shout to Asriel as he whimper at Chara's outrage.

" Now human there no need to sho-" " Shut your mouth Papyrus, no one care what you said from that mouth of your!" Chara turn around and scream at Papyrus. Sans eye glow immediately as he began to step in front of Papyrus.

" Shut your mouth brat before krama get to you" Sans frown at Chara as they roll their eyes and turn away from the rest.

The noise stop as the sound of ding interrupted their silent. The gate open as everyone shuffle to get out, seeing their trial room has now changed into more a colorful theme and with odd looking
shape that scatter around the room and somewhat this made everyone feel very uncomfortable;  going to their stand. A picture of Grillby has now have a cross now,  
as another trial began by MonoFlowey annoying voice.

"  Welcome to another amazing trial, I'm very surprised that someone have decided to kill another one, after that last one. Very brave for them to commit a crime and knowing what their punishment is when they'll get, IF they fail. So without further a do, let's the trial began." MonoFlowey chime with glee.

" Ok to start of , I didn't do it. " Sans put both his hands up and smile.

" Are you sure, freak! Because is make me more suspectus of you now. " Chara glare at Sans as Sans glare back at Chara. Frisk sigh as they can imagine the flame of spark between them.

 Frisk sigh as they can imagine the flame of spark between them

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" Guys stop Sans is right, human. Sans was innocent, he was with me the whole time." Papyrus suddenly speak up looking worry and frighten look.

" Well are you sure about that Papyrus, he may use his " shortcut" ability to sneak away fro-."  " That impossible for that to happen. If Sans were the one that kill Grillby. Than the lounge room door would not be open. He can simply teleport out of there without going the time to opening the door and teleport away. " Frisk cut Chara off as they look at Sans and smile.

Chara crossed their arms and stomped their foot, looking away.
" Now, let's continue our case. As we all know, Sans was not the murderer; proven by Frisk's explanation. So Frisk did you find anything else?" Muffet alleg, breaking the silent.

" Well, while I was looking at where Grillby was killed,  I saw the trash can was somewhat wet. I suppose that was the murder weapon, since where is located. "  Frisk mumble at the last part, with everyone gasping in surprise.

" Another thing is when I was checking on the other, Sans and Papyrus spotted as letter that said " To a Creature That Smile". But sadly they didn't got a chance to look what is inside of it, Sans said is look like Grillby's handwriting. " Frisk sigh as they saw everyone looking at each other with a glare.

" It's had to be Sans, I mean the letter clearly said that it's was him, even so everyone know Sans and Grillby "relationship " together!"  Chara burst with anger as they pointed their finger at Sans whose look he was about to attack them.

" Chara stop is not Sans. Is someone here that smile just like sans, so did anyone else find anything?" Frisk groan as they can feel their headache from someone stubbornness and stress.

"  We did, me and Muffet decided to look at the dining room, the previous place before Grillb's died. What we can see where Temmie's was sitting when she was eating that morning was there was a lot of crumbs and what Muffet said to me was when she was drinking her tea. She saw how Grillby look at Temmie when she was eating. He look very irritated" Muffet hum to agree with Undyne. Frisk nodded slightly as they soon look over at Temmie whose is shaking.

Then everything click.

" I know who killed Grillby, but before I do, Temmie are you alright? " Everyone quickly turn their look toward Temmie. Sweat beads roll down her forehead, showing her infamous cheeky smile.

" Tem is fine just cold" Temmie laughs as Frisk smile. " You're wearing sweater and if you're really cold, then why are you sweating" Frisk smug as Temmie bite her lip as she continued to shake more. "Is look like Temmie is having a hard time keeping herself TOGETHER" Sans chuckle as Papyrus groan.

" it can't be... Temmie wouldn't kill Grillby" Asriel looking worried as he turn his head at Frisk.

" Sadly she did, Asriel. So the one who killed Grillby is Temmie, how? Well is simple, it all began this morning at breakfast; all of us were there and even the killer and the murder victim, Grillby. We all know the killer is a messy eater and so when Grillby see how messy the killer is making. Grillbs decided he want to talk privately to the killer and so he wrote a letter and give it to the killer. Whatever what in the letter said, it trigger something in the killer head which created  a plan that they soon regret."

" So before the victim arrived at the lounge room, the killer was there waiting for them. They have everything set up, as the murder weapon was the trash bin; in which it was used as a bucket and was fill up water during that time. As the victim arrived the room was dark and the reason is so the victim won't see the killer was already there, ready to attack him. On the noted the killer was really fast to able to attack Grillby and need of escaping quickly and not be seen by me, Chara, and Asriel. "

" And so it happen that the killer was with me the whole during the whole investigation, making sense of the missing letter and their sensibility . Trying to hide some evidence that is was them. So Temmie, you are the one and only  that murder Grillby!" Frisk shouted pointing at Temmie. 

" But why Temmie, your like the weirdest yet innocent monster here. " Undnye frowned as Temmie look down with shameful looked. A look with a guiltful look, a regret if action they should never done.

" I did it be'cuz I was scare. I think he was aboot to kill me" Temmie whimper " is was a mistake" she continued as she mummer the last part. Than a wicked laugh breaking the silence, everyone turn and look at Monoflowey.

" Ha is true that not even the innocent or nicest monsters or human can't escape from doing a sinful act" he sneer at Temmie. "Well it doesn't matter now so please let began the voting now" Monoflowey yawned in boredom. " But wait Temmie said is was a mistake, s-she was j-just scare!" Alphy stutter. " No he's right, this is my punishment. So plz don't cry over me or fite. Plz votz meh !" Temmie cheer at the last part, trying to mooded the atmosphere up a bit. Frisk was to argue back until Chata put their arm out and shaking their head, telling Frisk to let go.

" Now it's voting time!" MonoFlowey sang as a big box of cereal show up behind him. Its began to rattle until three frame come out. Each all have a picture of Temmie.

Temmie was found guilty of murdering of Grillby.

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