Chapter 6 [ Investigation ]

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One Last Time

"So where are we running too?" Asriel pant heavily looking over to Frisk. " Fourth floor and to the locked door. Chara and I got permission from MonoFlowey. I'll explain everything once we get there.

"Their footsteps echo through the hallway as each floor they go through. Stopping in front the locked door, Frisk took out a card and scan it at the scanner.

The door made a beeping noise before opening, letting out a hiss and the freezing mist too. Frisk and Asiel walk in the dark room before the light was turn on. Inside the room was twelve coffins. Each coffin has a different soul colors on each one. Oddly enough most of the soul were monster soul, but there are two coffins that have a human soul. Noticing there was a large tube connecting to each one too.

Frisk open one of the caskets and look away immediately. Asriel was hesitated for a second before looking in. Inside the casket was the dead body of Papyrus, lying there with his hands cross to each other, looking peacefully as he was fallen asleep. It's creepy how his body did not turn into dust yet, maybe it because the source of the human souls that is keeping the physical body still intact.

"I suggest we do not look at what the other are-" Asriel was cut by a thud.

Looking over and saw Frisk opening up another one. The body in the casket was Sans, half of his skull or his face was "blasted" away by his execution.  But the more Frisk look at the body, the more "unreal" it is.

"Frisk I really think we need to stop looking into other caskets now, it really disrespectful for the dead. And please could you explain what you were talking earlier?" Asriel panicked.

"You see Asriel after Chara fail execution, I decided to find them and get them back here. Once Chara and I were back we were greeted by MonoFlowey and he was not happy about, however, he decided to change the game up. By that, we have to figure the truth about the building and the story.

"Frisk stop and took their hands and put it on Asriel's shoulders. " Asriel what we are facing is serious. This is going to be our last and final trial, and if we fail. We will all be executed in the hand of the Mastermind. "


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"So why are we in the library again kiddo." Undyne looked over to Chara and see them searching through the bookshelves.

"Just trying to find some useful information- ah ha!" Chara took out a file which seems to contain a pile of papers. Chara opens up the file and began to look over the papers, Undyne then looked over too.

"What is all of this stuff?" Undnye scrunches up her face as she read through the papers.

"It seems that the building we are locked up is a castle that belongs to King Asgore, Queen Toriel, and Asriel Dreemuur! This castle was a project to withstand the crash of humanity and prevent the despair from the outside world." They keep skimming through the papers until they reach the last one.

"The despair was spread by one of us, I hope the other can see this note before he does. Otherwise we are doom, the twelve contributes are the only one to stop this before-; wait where is the rest?" Chara was confused and look around to find the rest, but fail.

"I found something, who is W.D G?" Undyne looks closer at the paper. "W.D were the founder of the machine that was in the lab; with the help of the scientist and researcher especially the blue one. However, the machine could only be destroyed by the creator."

Undyne and Chara looked at each other before standing up and gathering up all the papers, bringing it with them to Frisk.


Asriel, Undyne, Chara, and Frisk were meeting up at the lab room as they all looked over the papers. Frisk picked up the papers and gasp.

"In order to help the contributions from the traumatic outburst from the outside world of despair experiences, they must undergo the surgical process for their memories will be suppressed from that."

"So they took our memories away from us!" Undyne banged her fist against the metal table.

"They did have a good reason, though Undyne" Asriel tried to calm Undyne down. Chara looked down at the table and saw a small chip.

"Hey what is that right there?" Chara picked up the chips and began to look around the lab to find a computer or a laptop.

They then found a laptop in the cabinet above but when they were about to get it, they show is was destroyed by a sharp thorn. It seems the pest of a flower was here but why did he break the laptop.

"Uhh, guys can you all check this out." Chara took out the broken laptop and show to everyone.

"What happen to it?" Asriel looks closely at the laptop. Chara takes a sneak peak at Frisk and saw their face was looking down on the floor. As if they don't want to show something.

"Let just drop it and get back to the investigation. We need enough clues for the final trial, and so far what we go is the information about this building, the soul extractor, some person name W.D G, and how we go here. " Everyone looked at Frisk and nodded.

Chara finally found another laptop that was on the counter and plugged in the chip. Instantly a video popped. The big figure is sitting next to a smaller figure, they both seems have horns, judging by the slimmer figure on their head. In front of them is another figure, but couldn't make out who it is. The room were too dark and the only source of light, were the big flat screen in front of room.

But the light could only lighted up some of the figure, one with a lavish, silky purple robe, while the other is wearing a lab coat.

"What we need are the stronger people in the sociality that will help us to regain the foundation of the future, from the despair." A deep voice person spoke in the video.

"Yes, I agree with that statement, but where do we keep them safe from the outbreak of the despair, and how will we able to gather such strong people." A deeper voice came next.

"Those who have talents, Super Talents indeed. And don't worry, my king. I came with the idea that will keep the special ones alive, I have two of my assistants that will help me to build it though." The same one that spoke in the beginning.

"Ahh yes, but what happen to the people that don't have a Super Talents?" A lighter and feminine voice came after.

" Those people will have to die in the outer world, why do we need them? They're pointless to our future, besides their likes pest. They'll die off soon anyway." A familiar voice that caught everyone's attention. Then the was video was cut off.

"What the- who was that?" Asriel question himself until a very familiar voice ranged in.

"Your investigation's time is up, please head to the throne room,  and your ride will be waiting for you. And please enjoy your final ride. That is all"

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