Chapter 3 [ Trial ]

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No Regret

The tension was real high, no one spoke during the elevator ride except for Sans glaring at Chara as if he could kill them any second. Once the ride was over, everyone quickly go to their stand. Two gray images were added, one is Temmie and the other one is Papyrus. Both image have something similar to each on and other and different to the other images. Temmie smiling and so does Papyrus. Their smile show their emotion with joy and happiness. As if this whole murder game never exist.

" Why hello again my fellow pawns. We are all here for the murder of Papyrus the Skeleton. We all know what the rule is and so on, no need explanation but if some of you moron still "new" to this game. Than I shall explain the rule again, it's very simple if you pay attention so please. Pay attention. You all need to find the blacken or the murderer of this killer case. Everyone will votes who's the blacken is. If they choose the right blacken than that blacken will be executed. But if you choose the wrong person, than everyone except the blacken will be executed and the blacken will be free and win the murder game. Now let's the trial began!" Monoflowey exclaim with joyfulness in his voice.

" I vote for Chara " Sans voice boom as he slam his hands on his stand with great impact. Chara snarl and look at Sans, crossing their arm.

" I don't what you're talking about?" Chara sneer at Sans. " You kill Papyrus, the evidence is the bloody knife on the floor." Frisk eyes widen and breaking Sans confirmation. " I objected that ! Sorry to burst your theory Sans but Chara wasn't the one that kill Papyrus. There many proofs that is wasn't them."

" Explain" Sans glare at Frisk with his cold, blue eye glow with rage. " Gladly Sans the Skeleton. First is that Chara has an alibi which was Asriel, and second if it was Chara who murder Papyrus than they will sign of injure. " Frisk smirk at their remark.

Chara quickly shoved their sleeves up showing no signs of injury no nether any bruise or marks. " Well they are Super Talented Killer, you don't know they're lying or- " Frisk look at Chara as they were about to charge at Sans until Asriel quickly grab their hip and keeping Chara still. " You want a killer, I'll give you a killer!" Chara scream at Sans thrashing around as their eyes flash with redness and black goo coming out their eyes and a little bit out of their mouth.

" Do it, show me" Sans growl as he summon two of his gaster blaster. " Stop it now!" Monoflowey yelled as vine shoot from the ground holding Chara and Sans tightly. " Now let continued this trial without any roughhousing ok. Frisk?" Frisk nodded as they gather themselves together with the "evidences" they have.

" Chara wouldn't be the killer because if you look at the injures on Papyrus's body. It's full of holes, and having no mark on any of their body that wouldn't explain the bloody knife on the kitchen's floor. Not to mention that Chara have an alibi with them all along before the killing of Papyrus." Frisk finished their explanation.

The vine lower both Chara and Sans to the floor then disappearing into the ground. Chara stick their tongue out at Sans who huff and narrow his eyes on Chara. Something was off.

" Sans may I ask a question to you?" Frisk look at Sans with a suspicious look. " Sure kid lay it on me" Sans smile at Frisk. " Where were you before breakfast? I saw you going upstair."

Sans immediately froze on his spot, sweat beads forming on his forehead. " W-what do you mean Frisk?" Sans stutter a little. Frisk took out the bottle and waving it. " You mean this, Sans. Don't play dumb on me, what were you doing with this?"

" I- I- I " Sans stutter even more, not even completing his sentences to answer Frisk comply. " Sans you can be serious right?" Undye finally speak up. " There you go guys, the answer has finally shown itself to us. And I'll will explain it."

" Before breakfast has even started, the killer when to the healing room knowing that place contain a lot of substances chemical and one of those has the killer looking for which was Ether. Sneaking into the kitchen they quickly added the substances into one of the food having the bottle containing such little of the Ether only limited the killer of tainting one of the food. Which was mine." Everyone except Sans and Monoflowey to gasp in surprise.

"Then the killer exited the kitchen and went to the dining room which soon was greeted by everyone. Now all the killer has to do is wait before going into action, which was killing Papyrus. With their plan going as planned, the person they are with and have tainted their food. That person quickly goes down. With no one around and having a good opportunity to strike.They began their killing."

" With Papyrus in the kitchen and occupy on his duty. His defenses was down making him vulnerable to any certain attack that was coming to his way, not knowing the killer entering the kitchen. Then killer attack from behind and viciously slaughter him to death without any mercy. But during the attack Papyrus was able to find a weapon which was a kitchen knife to fight back the killer but sadly fail and ultimately died. And with that expression on Papyrus face. He seem so betrayal..." Frisk stop a second before continuing.

" After killing Papyrus, they took the vine that was from Monoflowey and display their " work" having such a messy way and lazy to hide the evidences. But what is strange that the killer has planned this from the very beginning in the killing game. Claim by Monoflowey himself. Quoted "They seem to know more about the building than they seem to be." So that is why Sans the Skeleton was and only one that killed Papyrus the Skeleton!" Frisk pointed at Sans.

Everyone look at Sans with utter shock. " Y- you can't prove I did it" Sans stutter showing his nervous face. " Then lift up both of your sleeves Sans and beside the injury and the burn marks on Papyrus the wall. Fit perfectly to your attack of your Gaster blaster and your bone attack" Muffet hiss. Sans gripped his stand tightly and growl, lifting both of his jacket sleeves to show his right arm a big slash on it.

" Yes I did it! I kill my brother! And if you want answer why I did it...Hehehehehe let's just said I have given up hope since the very beginning. Knowing there is no way out and we all going to die anyway." Sans cover his face to hide his sinister smirk and tears. Frisk was about to speak until an annoying voice speak up very loudly. " It's voting time, quickly quickly people!"

Frisk stop and thought to themselves. There so many unanswered question that they need to be answers. Why Sans, why. Suddenly three gaster blaster appear above Monoflowey as each one blasted down onto the floor. Each shown Sans smiling face and a text.

Sans the Skeleton was found guilty of the murder of Papyrus the Skeleton

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Sans the Skeleton was found guilty of the murder of Papyrus the Skeleton.

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