Chapter 6 [ Trial part 2 ]

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The Truth

Everyone was quite, desperately waiting for someone to speak up, breaking the silent away.
But what is on everyone thought was why, how, when, and who.

"What, did I break everyone mind just like that, jeez people should know this by now, hehe hehe hehe. What a jokester I am."  Sans chuckle in amusement.

"W- What the fu-"

"Hey hey hey, Undnye no cursing in this trial... well only for one "skeleton" that is"

"And who will that be Sans? The only skeleton here is you." Undnye growls at Sans as she grips the wooden stand with much strength that Frisk can see it's slowly breaking apart.

"ME BITCH!" Sans yelled as his voice change into a deeper voice. Everyone jump at the booming voice.

"Wait, what the heck, what happen to you, you suddenly change?" Asriel scratched his head.

"Hehe hehe, sorry about that kiddo, that was just Fell" Sans scratches his head, smiling at Asriel.

"Wait, who is the heck is Fell. Wait don't you tell me that you have-"

"Yep, I do have many personalities in me or of me. Here, let me list the names all so you all won't be confused. The skeleton you see there was Fell the angry one, next is Blue or Blueberry which is the happy one, another is Geno, the sad one, Flower me, I really don't know about that one but you all will meet him soon or later, Science me is the smartest one in the "group" and the last one is will... I'm not going to say it... hehe hehe, Sans chuckle nervously until he clears his voice.

"So going back to the trial. Congratulation on figuring out that the Mastermind is me! I didn't think you all will get me but you all did. Hehehe. However, the trial is not over yet."

"Why not uh?! We've been stuck here to murder our friends to escape but instead... it... it for your sick twisted game to enjoy." Chara shouted at Sans who's just smiling at them.

"So, what make you different from me, Chara" Sans spoke in a deep tone.

The room suddenly turns silent, an eri sound echoes the place. What's happening?

"What... What do you mean? Please tell me and what do you mean that I'm no different from you!" Frisk look at Chara with a sudden feeling that they're scared of them, a scent of destruction.

"Come on, coming from a Super Talent Killer, you must be dumb. Here let me refresh your memories. You see Chara you are like me, killing monsters left and right, wanting to bring humanity to is destruction.  Now I know you won't believe me this, so I got a footage of you, Chara. So enjoy this quick clips." Sans clapped his hands which a large screen television appear on top of Sans. Then the television was turn on.


Everyone was quiet, no one dares to say any words. Everyone is just frozen in shock but most of all... fear. Frisk hesitant at first but slowly looking over to Chara.

Chara has their face down, Frisk can't even see what their reaction was, but they know what it is... despair.

"Ha, I can't even believe that the tapes are still working after that chaos of mess." Sans snapped his fingers, making the large screen going up and disappearing into the ceiling.

"What... what chaos?" Asriel stutter nervously.

"Haaa yes, the chaos. It was the most awful, catastrophic, terrible, and tragic of all tragic in human and monster history of all. It was the War of Humanity and Destruction. Thousands and Millions died from this newly born war. There was no escape from this and one know what the best part is? It was caused by you all. The Super Talented. "

"But wait, aren't you one too, the Super Talent Comedian?"

Sans burst into laughter and but stop and glare hard at Undyne.

"Comedian! A Comedian! You've got to be fucking kidding me, right? That was just a hide up, and please that is now a joke to me now." He sneered and pointed at Frisk.

"Frisk do you remember the search on the computer. The Toriel and Asgore Case?"

Frisk think to themselves and look closer deep inside their mind. Then it snaps.

"Is it that King Asgore and Queen Toriel were Ultimate instead of Super Talent?" Frisk was nervous as first and afraid to get it wrong. They still need to remember about their luck. They could use it, yes. However, there such little of it and there are some many tricks that Sans could pull, that could lead them down to their doom.

Such a trickster.

"Correct again, I see I am not the only smart one around here. Greeting, my name is Science Sans, but you all know that by now, but I do like to be call Science. Furthermore, yes Frisk. The Ultimate... such power word that held such power and control. I'll let you speak again Frisk of why I'm asking you of bringing this topic up?"

"Is it because... there are five in the world... but the two Ultimate are dead now, so wouldn't there be three right?"

"Correct Frisk, Nehehehe! You see I'm going to lead you all into a deep, deep secret that no one knows. You see an Ultimate are strong THINGS. They can't be defeated by an ordinary people like you, not even a super talents; but one thing that can defeat them is another Ultimate. And you already know who kill Toriel and Asgore." Sans began to shine with... joy?

"Wait... impossible. You can't become another Ultimate... unless you suddenly change your talent." Undyne said.

"Oh, really Undyne. Well, you looking at one right now, for so many times. I have been stuck in a time loop. Over and over again I see the same things, and soon I got tired of the same endings. Genocide, Neutral, or Pacifist. Whatever which one, I just go tired. But as time goes on I developed a special talent. A talent that soon changed everything." Sans slowly unwrapped the bandage that was on his head, that cover his left eye. The noise of the clothes slithers to one another, as it slowly slips of the porcelain skull.

A crack was seen and soon a dark abyss of his eye, but something was glowing so...dimly it was hard to be spotted, but at this moment. It was there.

"That talent was Despair. I, Sans the skeleton is the  Ultimate Despair" His eyes glow, the funny loving smile has turn something dark. A smile that no one will look back and think the same anymore as it was before. So evil, and sinister. This is not Sans...

This is dearly and truly Despair

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This is dearly and truly Despair.

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