Chapter 8.

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• Jacob P.O.V •
I feel fireworks when I kiss Kailia, she's so beautiful funny sweet and a dork I love her and I want to call her mine. I stopped kissing her neck I looked her in the eyes (*will you be my girlfriend*) I ask her, she smiled and said (*do you want me to*) I nod (*then yes, yes I will*) she said pecking my lips. I love her so much I really do and I'm never going to hurt her again and I'm not letting people hurt like they did a long time ago.
• Kailia P.O.V •
My best friend just asked me to be his girlfriend...woah Never thought this would happen. I need to tell him what happened to me back in Philadelphia...

(*dude this is creepy*) I say to Justin because we are currently walking in the middle of the woods at three in the morning (*chill out Kailia this will be fun*) he said as we approach an abandoned house that looked creepy as fuck. I stop in my tracks and say (*Somethings not right*) he just looked at me annoyed (*you're just scared because we're in the woods at night by an abandoned house*) he said grabbing my wrist and pulling my towards the house. We walked around the house to check it out I noticed writing on the side, (*'why did you try to kill yourself?'....'you told me to be happy'*) I read (*what are you looking at*) Justin asked (*umm nothing*) I say pushing him away as we walk to the front door. I told my mom that when I woke up in the hospital..why is it on the side of the house. I follow him inside the house and we walk around when I spot more writing on the wall (*uhh you go look over there while i look over here*) I say as he nods. I walk over to see what it said (*'have you ever been walking down a street, cars going and coming, and all you wanted to do was jump out in front of them'*) I read as I remember I asked my therapist that question. Why are all the things I said on the walls. I made my way upstairs and saw a girl sitting my the window crying.

(*hi*) I say, she looked over at me (*come here*) she said, I walk over and sit down by her (*are you ok*) I ask (*No I need your help*) she said grabbing my hand (*okay, what do you need*) I ask her

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(*hi*) I say, she looked over at me (*come here*) she said, I walk over and sit down by her (*are you ok*) I ask (*No I need your help*) she said grabbing my hand (*okay, what do you need*) I ask her. She smiled (*I need you to jump*) she said (*jump off what*) I say (*the bridge that's a mile down, I need you to jump because you want to die and I need you to die so I can go home*) she said. I look at her confused (*I'm not gonna do that I'm sorry*) I say trying to get out of her grip (*wh-let go of me*) I said (*NO YOU WONT HELP ME*) she screamed (*LET GO NOW*) I yell. She let go and looked out the window (*fine you won't die I'm gonna make your biggest fear come to life*) she said (*I'm gonna turn you into one of us*) she giggled. I didn't know what she was talking about (*get ready*) she said walking closer to me (*what are you doing*) I ask (*goodnight Kailia*) she whispered (*how do you know my na-*) I couldn't finish because I passed out. I woke up later on and I had a craving for.....blood.

\End of flashback/

no I can't tell him yet if I tell him he'll be in more trouble than I'm in. (*you okay*) he asked snapping my out of my thoughts (*y-yeah I'm fine just tired*) I say (*oh ok let's go to bed then*) he smiled getting off me (*goodnight Jacob*) I say (*goodnight Kailia*) he said making chills go down my spine. I'm a monster and he doesn't even one knows except for her...the girl that made me who I am. I need to find
Yayyy a creepy bitch we have to deal with now!! You'll understand more about what happened in the Next chapter ☺️

-Taylor 🖤

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