Chapter 3.

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I really am sorry can you ever forgive me?

• Kailia P.O.V •
I don't know what to say the last time I forgave him he just bullied me more so I can't trust him. (*if you want me to forgive you then you need to prove that you've changed*) I said looking him in the eyes (*what does that mean*) he asked (*it means you need to prove that the old Jacob is back and that the new and mean Jacob is gone*) I say walking back to the front door (*so that means you don't forgive me or my friends*) he said following me with the box in his hand (*yep*) I say popping the p. I walked inside and sat down at the table (*ok dinner time*) my mom said (*good I'm starving and I have a huge headache*) I say taking a drink of water. Jacob sat down beside me (*what the hell are you doing*) I whisper yell at him (*I'm sitting next to you because I really want you to forgive me cause I'm so sorry about what I did to you and so are mark and Joey*) he whispered looking me straight in my eyes (*like I said prove it*) I say as our parents sit down.
• Jacob P.O.V •
(*so Kailia how are you*) mr. sartorius asked (*good just a little disgusted*) I smile looking at Jacob (*what do you mean*) patty asked (*oh to much liquor whiskey and beer*) I smile eating a bite of chicken (*maybe you should forgive the beer*) Jacob whispered (*the beer needs to prove that I can trust it again*) I say pretty loudly. Jacobs and my parents looked at us like we were crazy (*just a game we play*) I said (*ohhh what's it called*) my dad asked (*the don't be a shithead and try to win back forgiveness game*) I giggle (*oh ok then*) patty said trying not to make the conversation awkward. (*so who are those people you were with earlier*) she asked (*they're my friends, I asked my mom if they could stay with us until I go back to Philadelphia*) I said looking at my  mom (*why are you going back to Philadelphia*) Jacob asked (*because I love Philadelphia and I have friends there that I can trust. Unlike the people here*) I whisper the last part.


Dinner is finally over after mr and mrs sartorius asking me about Philadelphia and Jacob staring at me the whole time we talked. I'm trying to convince my mom to let me and the gang go to the library even though she probably knows I'll go to a party and get drunk...again. (*no Kailia you have school tomorrow*) she said as I help her put the plates in the sink (*why I hate that school, I have so many bad memories there*) I say looking over at Jacob (*I'll be with you*) Jacob said (*yeah like that will help*) I laugh. (*No the dress is clearly black and blue*) I hear Noah and Alex argue coming down the stairs (*KAILIA TELL NOAH HE'S WRONG AND IM RIGHT*) Alex yelled making everyone look at us (*I don't care what color it is will you guys just shut up*) I say hitting Alex's shoulder (*oww fuck sorry*) he chuckled walking back upstairs. (*can we please talk*) Jacob whispered (*no, mom I'm going outside real quick*) I say (*ok honey*) she smiled as I walk outside. I grabbed a cigarette from my pocket and lit it (*YO JACOB DID YOU TALK TO KAILIA*) I heard, I look up and see mark and Joey walking towards me (*yeah he did and I told him to fuck off*) I say walking down the stairs into the yard (*Kailia is that really you*) Joey said looking me up and down (*go away asshole*) I say walking over to my moms car (*we want to talk to you*) I heard Jacob say behind me. I grabbed a pack of beer out of the car and look at them (*why would I want to talk to you*) I say in a mean way (*because we're sorry and want to be friends*) mark said (*ok you're sorry but I don't believe you so leave me alone*) I say walking pass them. Joey and Jacob grabbed my arm (*GET OFF ME*) I growl (*what the hell is wrong with your eyes*) mark asked (her eyes look like the picture up top) (*nothing, just go away*) I say pulling my arm away from them and walking back inside. They can't find out what happened to me in Philadelphia.
• Jacob P.O.V •
Once kailia walked inside we all looked at each other (*what was up with her eyes*) Joey said looking at me (*I don't know maybe it was just a light the shined on her eyes*) I say (*dude she scares me now*) Joey chuckled. What happened to her she's different and not a good different!!
What's wrong with Kailia??
What happened to her in Philadelphia!??

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