Chapter 22.

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• Kailia P.O.V •
(*I'm not human either*) he sighs (*Well What the fuck are you*) I ask (*Im a.....werewolf*) he said looking to the ground (*YOU'RE A WHAT*) me jazzy Collin and Zach yell (*Look I wanted to tell you but you know vampires and werewolves are enemy's and if my pack found out I was dating a vampire Well.....they would either make it where I could never see or talk to you again or....they would kill you, And if killed you I would kill them then kill myself*) he said looking me in the eyes. I look over at Blaine who was just looking at me (*Why didn't you try to keep me away from him*) I ask Blaine (*Well....Just look at this*) he says handing me two pictures of a woman who was a werewolf

Just look at this*) he says handing me two pictures of a woman who was a werewolf

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(*Who....who is this*) I ask (*My wife*) he said making me and everyone else's eyes widen (*You're married to a werewolf*) Collin said (*Yep...but her pack found out a took her away from me..and I haven't seen her since*) he says looking down. I look over at Jacob who just sat there looking at his feet (*I-I don't care if he's my enemy....I love him and I can protect myself*) I said walking over to Jacob (*I'm not leaving him just because they think we shouldn't be together*) I said looking at Jacob who smiled. He wrapped his arms around me setting me on his lap (*I love you*) he smiles (*I Love you too*) I smile pecking his lips. Blaine smiled at me and said (*I'm not making you never see him again...I never was gonna make you....because i know he Loves you and you love him, I don't want you guys to feel the pain I felt when I love Jennifer*) he says. I walk up to Blaine and hug him (*Thank you*) I whisper (*Y-You're welcome*) he said hugging me back. I walk back over to Jacob and wrap my arms around him (*I love you*) I say (*I love you more*) he said kissing the top of my head. (*Wait Blaine let me see that picture again*) I said, he handed me the picture and I look at it closely and my eye widened (*T-this—this is my mom*) I said (*Was she pregnant when they took her away Blaine*) Zach asked (*Yeah but....*) he pauses (*Are-are you my...d-dad*) I say.
Well well well you didn't see that coming DID YOU😂😂😂

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