Chapter 19.

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• Jazzy P.O.V •
Me Collin and Zach follow red eye back to camp (*Will she be okay*) I ask as we walk through the woods (*we'll find out*) he said. We walk to the medical tent (*Cory we need your help*) he said. (*What happened*) Cory asked as red eye sat Kailia down on the table (*What happened to you*) he said (*Oh no*) Cory said looking through his stuff (*When did she pass out*) he asked checking her heartbeat (*About five minutes ago*) I say (*Shit her heartbeat is way to slow*) Cory said. We all start to panic when we hear someone scream (*You take care of her Cory, come on*) red eye says. We walk out and see Jacob Emma Noah Alex Ava and Justin standing there (*What the hell are you doing here*) Collin asked walking up to Jacob (*She's my girlfriend Collin*) Jacob said. (*Blaine we got this*) I say (*Sorry I mean red eye*) I apologize (*It's fine you guys can call me Blaine but no one else can*) he smiled walking back to the medical tent. We talk to Jacob and tell him that he can't just come here because he's not one of us and that they could get killed. (*GET OFF ME*) we hear (*Kailia*) jacob said running to the tent (*JACOB*) we yell following him. We walk in and see Kailia fighting to get Cory off her (*What are you doing*) Jacob said pushing him off (*NO*) Cory yelled. Kailia jumped down and looked at Jacob like she was gonna attack him (*Baby Come here*) jacob said opening his arms (*Jacob no*) Cory jumped up tackling Kailia to the ground. They started fighting each other but when Kailia bit him he passed out. She got up and growled at us

(*Kailia this isn't you*) Zach said (*Get out*) she whispered (*What Kailia no yo—GET OUT*) she yelled at me

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(*Kailia this isn't you*) Zach said (*Get out*) she whispered (*What Kailia no yo—GET OUT*) she yelled at me. We grab Jacob and get out to find Blaine (*BLAINE*) I scream (*What What*) he said walking over (*She's turning*) Collin said (*Shit. You guys stay here I'll take care of her*) he said walking into the tent. We heard growling and stuff being thrown around. We waited until we see Blaine fly out of the tent as if someone pushed him (*Ahh fuck*) he groans in pain (*What happened*) zack asked kneeling down to him (*I can't stop her she's to powerful*) he groans (*Well What do we do*) I ask (*We need to trap her*) he said. I look at Jacob who was looking towards the tent (*Where is she*) he asked, we look run over and see that she's gone (*Where did she go. She can't leave. She's a monster right now*) Blaine said getting up (*We need to find her before she kills herself*) Collin said (*What kill herself what do you mean by that*) Emma panics. We look at each other (*You don't wanna know*) I sigh. We need to find Kailia fast before she does something she'll regret.
• Jacob P.O.V •
What's happening one minute we're all watching a movie then the next Kailia is acting weird and know she missing. I need to find her because I can't loose her. We all walk through the woods looking for her when I see something by the Harper bridge (*Guys look*) I whisper pointing over to the bridge (*What is that*) Justin said looking over (*That's Kailia*) Ava said (*Come on*) I whisper yell (*No*) That Blaine Guy says. I look back over at Kailia and see she's gone (*What Where did she go*) I say looking around (*Okay you guys have school tomorrow so go home and if we find her we'll let you know*) Blaine said (*What no she's my girlfriend I can't just go home knowing she out here*) I said getting angry (*Just do it*) he growled at me. I look at everyone at they start walking towards the park. I sigh and follow them, hopefully Kailia shows up tomorrow!!
Sorry it's short but the next one will be longer and a lot more interesting!!!

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